Haircuts for me but not for thee – IOTW Report

Haircuts for me but not for thee

In my post “Your Friendly Neighborhood Stasi,” I mentioned that New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio was getting driven all the way to Prospect Park to take daily walks despite the Wuhan shutdown.  Well, he isn’t the only big city mayor who plays by a different set of rules.  Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has decided that her haircuts are essential whereas your haircuts are not.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Mayor Lightfoot defended her violating Illinois’ “stay at home” order saying, “I’m the public face of this city. I’m on national media and I’m out in the public eye.” more here

37 Comments on Haircuts for me but not for thee

  1. MJA, your friendly neighborhood stasi is a piker compared to the mayor of Alaska’s North Slope Borough. Mayor “Super Stasi” Brower signed an emergency order to seize ALL assets in the North Slope Burough belonging to Raven Air including aircraft, hangers, operation manuals, rents, security codes, etc. Then Stasi Brower had the balls to invite former Raven pilots to contact him, presumably so the pilots could go to work at the mayor’s newly seized airline. The Alaska attorney general said to Brower, fuck you buddy. After the Alaska attorney general told Brower to fuck off Brower said “I was just trying to keep the terminal building open”. I guess Brower was planning on blocking the terminal door open with the airline’s operations manual which was listed in the seizure order.

  2. ” “I’m the public face of this city. I’m on national media and I’m out in the public eye.””

    In which case her appearance should be a demonstration of the compliance and sacrifice she expects others to engage in, just to set a good example by her leadership in the situation.

  3. Not that anyone would notice this but my 14 year old did.

    Coumo got his own hair cut about three days ago.

    He noticed it when watching one of the daily news conferences…yes we watch the Monkey Face Jr. just enough to be disgusted to turn off. A self imposed and seen demi god/hero for sure.

  4. Typical left.
    Not even funny anymore.
    Just like empty shelves.
    Welcome to Socialism.
    You wanted equality, you get sameness
    You elect someone to serve, they serve themselves.
    I worked a claim up on the Navajo Reservation. Asked the guy what he did. Looked retired.
    He said he was an “elected official” for the tribe. No other job. His whole life working for the tribe.
    He spent his twenty plus years trying to get the state to pave the dirt road out to his house. Some five miles from the highway. But ‘the white man’ wouldn’t let him. I asked him why he needed pavement. With a straight face he answered: “I’m an elected official”
    All the uncivilized ones act that way.

  5. Mayor Leftfoot has to keep up that butch look for her “wife”. God forbid her hair grows long enough for her to start looking like a woman.
    Remember now, leftards definition are hypocrites.

  6. @QwkDrw: rampant obesity leading to prediabetes as well as full-blown diabetes, which for some reason makes people more susceptible to the China virus from Wuhan via the CCP. Anyone with a compromised immune system is statistically more apt to be badly affected by the China virus from Wuhan via the CCP.

  7. Other optics, did anyone else notice Andy Boy wore his short sleeve late winter white State provided shirt for ONE day?? That was just narcissist weird. I know I know the nipple gate thingie. I could not LOOK as I would turn to SALT.

    Regarding Mayor Leftistfoot, that is what is called the ‘ratty nest’ look.

  8. First I have to say even though I’m not a hair stylist, that I have been cutting family hair since I was in HS, but haven’t had pressing financial need to do it since the youngest graduated college.

    DH was looking quite shaggy. I conned him into letting me cut his hair this past weekend. He was somewhat nervous nd so was I because I have been quite shaky for the past year and that has been exacerbated by the chemo. He got the best danged haircut he’s had since I last cut his hair over a decade

    So why didn’t Lori’s wifey cut Lori’s hair. She could have just used trimmers with a super depth guide for that long crewcut.

  9. are you sure lightfoots a woman?
    i couldn’t tell when i saw it in another picture

    if it’s lightfoot is it’s significant other thunderbolt?
    i saw that movie once

  10. She knows the whole thing is bullshit – and this is her way of letting us know.
    Same with deBlasio – their disregard isn’t (necessarily) egocentric – they’re playing a part in a world-wide tragi-comic production – and have to maintain the pretense as long as possible.

    Everyone’s showing his hand – we’re just too stupid to read the cards.

    izlamo delenda est …


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