Haley Losing to “None of these Candidates” in Nevada – IOTW Report

Haley Losing to “None of these Candidates” in Nevada


Nevada’s primary races and caucuses are quickly approaching, and the poll’s results don’t look too favorable to Haley. It shows that most Nevada voters would rather choose no candidate than support Haley. More

27 Comments on Haley Losing to “None of these Candidates” in Nevada

  1. The Libertarian Party has ALWAYS INCLUDED “None of the Above” as an option in ALL elections. Just imagine if NOTA was on EVERY BALLOT and if it won, NO CANDIDATE that ran would be allowed to run in the do-over. Just imagine how different our nation would be.

  2. This is from Red State regarding the latest win against Disney for DeSantis and Nikki being on the wrong side.

    I’m not going to call them out by name because frankly, I don’t want to give them the publicity, but some right-wing “influencers” who favored another candidate in the primary spent a lot of time running their mouths, claiming that DeSantis had been beaten by Disney. They should open their mouths again, but with apologies leaving them this time.

    Nikki Haley, who invited Disney to move to South Carolina instead of taking the side of the most conservative and successful Republican governor in decades, should probably update her commentary as well. That was a low point for her, in my opinion, and I’ll leave it at that.

  3. From Bonchie at Red State:

    If I seem a little salty about this, it’s because I am. Republicans have enjoyed precious few victories over the last half-decade. To see ostensible allies go out of their way to trash DeSantis and take the side of Disney simply out of short-sighted political pettiness was eye-opening. It never should have happened, and those who chose that path deserve to be taken just a little less seriously next time.

  4. “Republicans have enjoyed precious few victories over the last half-decade.” The precious few victories over the last few years has more to do with corruption in our elections than the man most likely to be the leader of the party. I know you’re biting your tongue to not say Trump, but if we’re going to win anything going forward our priority has to be to clean up the election process.

  5. You know what he meant joe6.
    I read many posts here that were basically cheering Disney on vs DeSantis.
    I posted a ton of receipts to counter, but they knew what they were doing.
    DeSantis was the ENEMY at the time, so honesty went directly in the shitter…

  6. The media keep ignoring Nevada knowing Haley won’t win a single delegate, but to lose to “none of the above” is an insult the left will have to crow about. Hopefully, after this humiliation and total rejection from her home state, Nikki will lose all backing and become a nonfactor. I don’t expect her to drop out of any future primary, only for her margin of support to become so insignificant that the primaries will be canceled, and we can move on to the main bout with the deep state.

  7. In reading the linked article, I was amused by the statement that Haley had no way to beat Trump except for something “catastrophic” happening to Trump’s campaign. What would that be? Trump has been sued in civil court, he has been charged criminally, special interests groups have tried to keep him off the ballot, and the “news media” and Republican elites keep berating him – and every time Trump’s popularity goes up.

    I would suggest debating Trump on the issues, but I don’t see where that would help Trump detractors. The primary challenges who were reasonably aligned with Trump received no traction, ended up dropping out and generally endorsed Trump.

  8. @Brad – I have no doubt the political elite would try to throw Trump in jail if they could. I went through much of the Georgia indictment, and it’s basically the Trump camp calling Georgia representatives and getting them to look into voter fraud. I would think that if there is credible evidence that may show fraud (I would also think that video of people hauling in boxes of ballots may qualify), it would be in the best interests of the voters to investigate this. The same thing with the January 6 clowns – Trump wanted them to march peacefully to the Capitol and protest.

    Neither of these things are evidence of insurrection; they are First Amendment rights. Further, we have the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. “Trump wants me to investigate voter fraud” is a lot different from “Trump wants me to arbitrarily change the results of the election.” Actually, Trump wanting jurisdictions to investigate voter fraud is a lot less harmful than Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion dollars in aid unless the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son – which is on video.

  9. Wyatt

    It’s inconceivable to me the amount of elected and non elected Federal and State employees, that are participating in the willful destruction of our country by an appointed group of traitors. Look where we are at in three short years. It’s unbelievable.


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