Half Price Nose Job in Mexico Leaves Woman Brain Dead – IOTW Report

Half Price Nose Job in Mexico Leaves Woman Brain Dead


About three miles from El Paso is Rinocenter, the clinic in Jaurez, Mexico, Laura Avila went to for cosmetic surgery on her nose.

According to Patients Beyond Borders, Laura is one of an estimated 1.4 million Americans traveling outside of the United States for a medical procedure each year. Mexico is one of the largest destinations for what is known as medical tourism.

Patients used to choose to travel for a procedure if there was a lack of access in their own community, said Dr. Alexander Sobel, president of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, but more and more the decision is now based on cost.

Laura Avila’s family said the nose job was going to be much cheaper in Jaurez than in Dallas. The problem, Sobel said, can be that lower standards might come with the lower cost. “Categorically, I’d say there are international surgeons of incredible talent,” Sobel said. “However, certifying the environment of care is something that needs to be looked into by any consumer whether they’re looking in the states or somewhere else.”

About a decade ago, the mother of one of Sobel’s employees died after an international surgery. He has also personally fixed mistakes made overseas. “It’s not uncommon to see people for a variety of reasons need to attend care back in the states after having destination surgery,” he said.


The sad part is that her nose perfectly fine.

27 Comments on Half Price Nose Job in Mexico Leaves Woman Brain Dead

  1. Lazlo had a pal that went to Mexico for a mouthful of root canals and fillings
    17 teeth in total
    He almost died from the 17 abscesses he got
    His dentures look good on him though

  2. I could while away the hours
    Conferrin’ with the flowers
    Consulting with the rain;
    And my head I’d be a scratchin’
    While my thoughts are busy hatchin’
    If I only had a brain.

  3. …I’ve heard that free kidney removal followed by waking up in an ice bath with a note saying you should go to a hospital ASAP is one of the can’t-miss experiences for the modern Mexico tourist…

  4. Anybody got some Juarez stories that they can tell or admit to?……LOL….

    I missed my opportunity as my flight was delayed, because of snow, for a friends bachelor party in El Paso….something about a toothless Mexican hooker and a urinal trough underneath the bar is all I heard….ME? I spent 9 hours with the grooms sister in law drinking whiskey…She was and still is beautiful!….

  5. In the late 80’s early 90’s I was training at a Gold Gym. That’s shortly after the pharmaceutical world announced they were stopping production of Dianabol. D Ball. The most favorite steroid of the day. Well never fear, the desperate found a bath tub mix from Mexico. Several died. Several died years late from side effects. Some blew up like a big zit full of puss and all. I’m not kidding. There are no short cuts in life. Train heard, train smart.
    Amazingly, you can still find adds for D Ball on many lifting sites.

  6. Speaking of faces, this is a true story and I’ve never forgotten it.

    Back in high school this fellow classmate and I were talking about a girl and she had a great body but her face was rather ugly. He said he’d put a paper bag over her head why he had sex with her. He said it would be justified because, “You don’t fuck the face.”

    The dude was a hair lip. I shit you not.

  7. A buddy of mine that considered himself a ladies man went to Puerto Vallarta and met a dental assistant in a bar. Being the smooth talker that he was, he told her he was having a problem with a particular tooth. She told him if he came in at the end of the next day she would take a look at it and see if she could help. He went in, she numbed him up, rubbed her tits all over him, and he was thinking, she loves me. Anyway after about 10 minutes of playing around, Mike laying back with nothing but sex on his mind, she says “got it”, and showed him one of his front teeth. And what else make it funny is that it didn’t stop bleeding for his 10 days vacation. Completely ruined his time. Fucking Mexican doctors!

  8. Vanity is expensive….especially if it costs you your life.

    On a different note.. I had a great aunt diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. US doctors said, no hope….maybe 6 months.

    She went to Mexico for a liquid called laetril. It was illegal in US. Mixed it with anything she drank. Lived another 20 yrs. Died of pneumonia

  9. Don’t nose what to think. Most friends, neighbors south of Tucson have been going to south of the border Mexican dentists for years. 20-30% of what they’d pay in the states? Steady stream of murcans headed that way for the first time. Us? NFW, period. Only wanna see Mexico from 30,000 feet or above.

  10. PJ –

    Thank You! ever so much for the link. It was in the late 70’s when she was diagnosed.

    I knew it had something to do with peach pits…but that was about all.

    Once again, Thx!

  11. And I’m sitting here throwing up in my mouth a little bit over the closing of the story… she’s brain dead but some priest “married” her and her fiance?

    Um, no. That’s like the cherry on top of all the wrongness that went wrong for her.

  12. A beautiful young woman with no need whatsoever for cosmetic surgery especially done in a third world dump. Their doctors may be good but with rats the size of cats wandering about the clinics along with every bad bacteria known to man and gunfights in the streets between the cartels somebody should have given this girl a shake.


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