Half The Houses In Puerto Rico Were Built Illegally – IOTW Report

Half The Houses In Puerto Rico Were Built Illegally

DailyCaller: As much as half of Puerto Rico’s housing was thrown together illegally by local handymen with materials scraped together and scavenged from dumps, the Miami Herald reports.

Hurricane Maria ravaged the island five months ago. Now, Puerto Rico is beginning to come to terms with a housing crisis that will last for years.

Puerto Rico’s building regulations are comparable to Florida’s own strict codes, meant to withstand hurricane force winds, but many residents living in the island’s more rural communities forgo compliance. Islanders skimping on structural integrity is not surprising when building code enforcement is scarce. Puerto Rico’s official poverty rate is at 44 percent, according to Miami Herald.

“At the end of the road, it’s lack of planning and controls,” Toa Baja Mayor Bernardo Márquez García told the Miami Herald. “The impact of Maria is that now we have to rethink where we were and where we’re going. The other thing Maria brought is awareness. After suffering what we have suffered, I haven’t the least doubt that people are very receptive to education about doing things differently.”  read more

11 Comments on Half The Houses In Puerto Rico Were Built Illegally

  1. What do you expect from a bankrupt s-hole run by democrats that have been salivating at the idea of become a state to get themselves out of the hole they’ve dug. Pure liberalism, take it all in.

  2. I guess the good news is there should be plenty of scrap materials to rebuild those shanty homes. A pieced together house is better than no house at all and I doubt “code enforcement” will be more stringent now. Puerto Rico has all the ingredients to make it a sh8thole.

  3. Their welfare island sounds like our welfare island?🤭

    Oh yeah, Democrat liberalist welfare sucking shitbags.
    We’re about 44% that pay taxes here also.

    We fall under the IBC for building code, much stricter than Floriduh. You won’t find wood buildings here and strict controls on the steel framed ones.

    We noticed last storm our house whistles outside when it’s over 100 knots wind. Kid calls it the wailing witches.

    Super typhoon? Lick my sack.

  4. Most of South Florida was built the same way Pre-Andrew

    You can see it in a lot of the Keys Structures built before

    1992..That’s when they got serious about inspections

    of course…Miami’s corruption (Mordida) bypasses all

    of the Codes anyway.

  5. The Seattle City Council members are frequently on television uttering such innanities as: People have a right to housing. But then they are the same ones encumbering those who would build a home they have a right to with all sorts of bullshit. So I guess the homeless drug addicts have a right to housing, but for the people who pay taxes and support these dimwits housing is a privilege.

  6. When contacted for comments, Benito Bernardo (aka “Big Bad”) Wolf was quoted as stating that he was employed at Disney World and nowhere near Puerto Rico at the time of the alleged incident. In addition, he said that he no longer eats pork since converting to Islam four years ago, and referred all further questions to his lawyer.

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