Half the Nation Wants Biden Impeached – IOTW Report

Half the Nation Wants Biden Impeached

National Pulse

A national survey of likely US voters has found that 50 percent support impeaching Joe Biden after just one year in office.

The Rasmussen Report sponsored by The National Pulse was conducted in January, and asked a collective of likely US voters whether they would side with Republicans in Congress who have endorsed articles of impeachment against the current U.S. President. Fifty percent of respondents stated they somewhat or strongly support impeaching Biden, with the remainder of respondents either stating they were unsure or that they oppose impeaching the current president.

When broken down by demographic, men and women were equal in their response to support an impeachment of Biden. Those aged 40-65+ had a slightly stronger support than those aged 18-39. More

30 Comments on Half the Nation Wants Biden Impeached

  1. Anonymous is full of shit. All polls are heavily weighted towards libtards. If you read the fine print,they tell you. It’s a joke, and sometimes it backfires on you assholes bigly. You never saw Trump coming did you? That’s because you believed your own bull shit data.

  2. Unfortunately there are no good options available by impeaching this Grinning Imbecile. Anyone who thinks we will be better off by doing so had better be prepared for seeing what’s behind the curtain. The Communists who are pulling the strings of Jackass Joe will at some point pull back the facade to reveal themselves and it won’t be pretty! I fear that day is coming sooner than most people think. They are rushing people across our border at record rates. Some think its for voting democRAT, but if that were the case they wouldn’t all be young, single males of fighting age who have no allegiance to our values, our Constitution or any emotional ties to Americans.

    As the Obamboozler stated more than a decade ago:
    “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded”

    Well here ya go! They will be armed up and sent out to intimidate, terrorize, round-up, inter and maybe even exterminate… and I think it will happen before the year is out because the MId-Terms are going to upset the power structure.

  3. Someone asked on Quora recently why Biden has not been impeached if he is so unpopular. I replied that being unpopular is not a reason to be impeached, not to say that there aren’t valid reasons for it, just that being unpopular was not a reason.

    I don’t want to see it get to a point where “Oh, so you’re gonna impeach our guy? Well we’ll impeach yours!”

  4. ^ An audio version of that would be fun, like a nasty horn sound. (Of course it would require a runnig mp3 player script and an improper (maybe even illegal) server-side algorithm.)


  5. RadioMatt, sorry but I disagree.

    I am SO TIRED of playing using THEIR rules, on THEIR field, with THEIR refs, and thinking it’s even slightly fair.

    The shit needs to be burned down.
    Principled losing is fucking losing.
    “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.” – Vince Lombardi

  6. General: If there is reason to impeach someone then go ahead and do it. The President lied under oath? Impeach him. But the President had a telephone call with the leader of another nation? Because he urged people to exercise their rights? No.

    There are plenty of reasons to impeach Biden — his connection with the CCP for example (of which there are tons of evidence to support as opposed to Trump’s “Russian collusion”), but not liking him is not a reason to impeach him nor does it justify manufacturing a charge to impeach him over.

  7. Although I think RadioMattM is correct, High Crimes and Misdemeanors is the standard, not popularity. Either we are the party that revers/avows/supports The Constitution or we’re not. If those losers on the other side want to shit on The Constitution and make a mockery of it, that is their choice.

    But it does pose an interesting question; if the GOP takes back both houses of Congress, should they start impeachment proceedings, and if you think yes, what are the articles?

  8. Well, if you don’t think we should follow the Constitution then why hide behind the pretense of abiding by its mechanism for removing the president, E.g. Article Of Impeachment?

  9. Stealing an election should be un Constitutional. Apparently it’s not. There’s no remedy supplied by the Constitution. I’m under the impression the founder thought no son of a bitch would stoop that low. Charge him criminally. There’s a plethora of crimes he’s committed. If impeachment is eventually part of that process fine. Just do something, and make it stick.

  10. Loco: if it comes to civil war I am all in.

    I am not one to be nice while the other side is being nasty, but we don’t want to burn the house down just to get rid of a small wasps nest. What good would it do to inaugurate a President on January 20 then begin impeachment hearings on the 21st? That is a guarantee to make the US impotent on the world stage. You think we are weak now? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

    As I said, I think there are plenty of legitimate reasons to impeach Biden, not liking him is not one of them.

    I would suggest that we wait until next year so the send in the line of succession will be a Republican or there would have already been a civil war because of (another) corrupt election.

  11. “There’s no remedy supplied by the Constitution.”


    And another thing: the Republican Party is one-half of the Uniparty. Unless that changes, the Midterms are a joke (but worth it anyway just to allow the possibility!)

  12. “Stealing an election should be un Constitutional.”

    I guess that would apply if you could prove that Biden was behind it, orchestrated it, masterminded it, or was instrumental in any way in the actual steal.

    Democrat state legislators are more to blame since they illegally changed the rules on how each state would count the votes and which votes were to be counted. Poll organizers, vote counters, DNC operatives that harvested/changed ballots, even the gutless judges who refused to hear legitimate challenges to the vote tallies, all these characters are more culpable in the actual steal.

  13. “I guess that would apply if you could prove that Biden was behind it, orchestrated it, masterminded it, or was instrumental in any way in the actual steal. ”

    Either way, I was disenfranchised.

  14. Brad: the only thing I can figure is that the Founding Fathers never thought anyone would steal an election. Probably at the time is would have been very hard to do such a thing on a wide basis. I would imagine that each precinct would count their own votes and report those figures as opposed to today where all votes from a county go to a central counting facility where things could easily be doctored.

    I have also wondered what are the remedies if things aren’t done the way they are supposed to be done. How long did we not have a budget in the House and approved by the Senate? That’s what the Constitution calls for but what happens if it doesn’t? A Continuing Resolution where they can keep in all of their pork without having to stand up and be on record as voting for it?

    What do we do, other than, of course, voting them out. With their franking privileges and “reports to the constituency” they can pretty much do as they please.

    That is what we need to fight against, none of this “Your President is worse than mine” stuff.

  15. Remove Pedo, Whore steps up.
    Whore picks Hillary as VP.
    Whore resigns for promise that Hillary makes her an SC justice and also so Hillary doesn’t kill her.

    Result: President Hillary with a vengeance.

    They all have to hang at once.

    Nothing else fixes this.

  16. Don’t fret, you have 7 more years to figure this out. Kamala says now that Trump laid out the ground work how the VP can “influence” the Electoral votes, it will be won & done. Plus it’s Dominion approved.

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