‘Hallmark Card’ Hillary’s New Message: Plant Love – IOTW Report

‘Hallmark Card’ Hillary’s New Message: Plant Love

hillary ILU

“It may be unusual for a presidential candidate to say we need more love and kindness in this country, but I think that’s exactly what we need.” 


“Hey, I need some lovin'”

22 Comments on ‘Hallmark Card’ Hillary’s New Message: Plant Love

  1. Talk about a load of meaningless tripe. She’s too chicken to even come out and declare a love of wide open borders.

    She wants to protect the country about as well as the consulate in Benghazi.

  2. I’ll believe she wants more love and kindness when I see her plant a big ole smackeroo on Donald Trump’s puss in public.

    Actually, I’d pay money to see that.

    And I’d pay even MORE money to see Donald Trump plant — naw, I can’t go there. Too close to breakfast time.


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