Halloween Will Face a Candy Shortage – IOTW Report

Halloween Will Face a Candy Shortage

The Blaze-

The Hershey Company – the fifth-biggest candy company in the world in 2021 – is sounding the alarm that they will experience a Halloween candy shortage this year.

The Hershey Company warned that it would not be able to supply enough candy for Halloween and the Christmas holiday season. The candy company blamed a scarcity of raw ingredients on the insufficient supply.

Reuters reported, “Pandemic-induced global supply chain disruptions and the Russia-Ukraine war have crunched supplies of cocoa, edible oil, and other food ingredients, pinching production lines of packaged food companies around the world.”

Hershey Chief Executive Officer Michele Buck said on Thursday, “We will not be able to fully meet consumer demand due to capacity constraints.”

Buck said that the company sources a great deal of its equipment and supplies from Europe – which has faced an economic downturn because of its reliance on energy from Russia. The invasion of Ukraine has also put a strain on getting products such as cocoa and edible oil.Don’t miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.

Buck also noted that despite the candy shortage, the company expects sales to top last year still.

The Halloween season is Hershey’s best-selling time of the year – comprising approximately 10% of the company’s annual sales.


23 Comments on Halloween Will Face a Candy Shortage

  1. That’s going to piss off every dentist in town! Out of any holiday that’s celebrated in this country, Halloween can be done away with. I was a mean mother, I didn’t allow my children to go trick-or-treating. We went out for pizza, the kids would rather play the video games. My kids turned out just fine. I knew where they were at.

  2. “Pandemic-induced global supply chain disruptions and the Russia-Ukraine war have crunched supplies of cocoa, edible oil, and other food ingredients, pinching production lines of packaged food companies around the world.”

    …just say, because, Democrats. It’s quicker and isn’t a lie or a shifting of blame to things Democrats CAUSED like what you said is.

    But ending those mean tweets was totes worth it. /s

  3. …also, thanks to Democrats, no one takes their costumes off any more, so they just go around looking like hell 24/7/365, so no special day needed for THAT any more, either.

    Thanks, Democrats.


  4. I wasn’t aware that Hershey even used cocoa in their chocolate candy.
    It usually tastes like oil and wax.
    Hershey, I’m still pissed at what you did to Cadbury chocolate. You freaking hacks!

  5. @Conservative Cowgirl: I’d rather keep my teeth and my soul than to celebrate Satan’s day. When we were kids we didn’t think anything of it, we didn’t even know why we were out trick or treating, all we knew, it was FREE candy. Times have changed, that was was over 65 years ago, innocence was still around, not any more.

  6. Conservative Cowgirl
    JULY 31, 2022 AT 9:47 AM
    “I don’t care if they lose money.”

    Neither do WE. Hijacking culture is more important to we Maoists than making money is, even in the boardroom.

    Besides, as long as we are doing the work of transforming society to Communism, if we ever need money our Government comrades will be sure to take some from you by taxes or force to give us all we need.

    See why we’re not worried?

    But maybe YOU should be.

  7. Baby formula shortage, candy shortage, gas shortage, fertilizer shortage, computer chip shortage, shortages of everything money can buy. But no shortage of free jabs. They’re literally burying us with those. How is that?

  8. “Buck said that the company sources a great deal of its equipment and supplies from Europe”

    When you start outsourcing you lose control over your processes. Just In Time manufacturing works great – until it doesn’t.

  9. “Buck also noted that despite the candy shortage, the company expects sales to top last year still.”

    Basic supply and demand economics where demand remains constant where the supply goes down the price will go up. The outlier will be the run on chocolate by those that know there will a short supply. Those are the same people who still have a multi-year supply of toilet paper.

  10. The Biteme crime family syndicate was placed in charge of the Sahara Desert. In his first State of the Desert address, Slowjoe announced everything would remain the same after his Dessicate back better initiative was “guaranteed to preserve the desert – AS IS – for 100 years to come.” At his 2nd State of the Desert address, he announced the Sahara would run out of sand within another 2 years!

  11. Won’t affect us.
    We don’t buy the candy.
    We disconnect the doorbell.
    We ignore re the bratswanting “free” handouts.

    Our neighborhood looks upscale so they bring the brats in by the van loads.


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