Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC – IOTW Report

Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC


In a public comment to the CDC, molecular biologist and toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., called to immediately halt Covid vaccine production and distribution. Citing fertility, blood-clotting concerns (coagulopathy), and immune escape, Dr. Lindsay explained to the committee the scientific evidence showing that the coronavirus vaccines are not safe.


ht/ jerry manderin

31 Comments on Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC

  1. I just saw vaccinated people are having magnets adhere to their injection site and are testing high for EMF compared to unvaccinated. Just to add to all the deaths and injuries we aren’t allowed to discuss.

  2. Anon, is your tinfoil hat a little too tight?

    I’ve had both doses of the vaccine, the first had no symptoms at all, the second maybe a little bit the shingles vaccine was MUCH worse.

    I’m not advocating anyone get the vaccine, but this troll shit has to go.

  3. @Truckbuddy

    I got the shot and no issues.
    The area was a bit sore because it was an older doctor who was pulled out of retirement who mistook my arm for his ex-wife’s heart, but otherwise NOTHING.

    By the way, how many of you are using Pfizer’s Hard On Pill? (Same company less RIGID testing)

  4. Anonymous MAY 13, 2021 AT 5:30 PM

    I just saw vaccinated people are having magnets adhere to their injection site and are testing high for EMF compared to unvaccinated. Just to add to all the deaths and injuries we aren’t allowed to discuss.

    Pick an identity.

    Gain some credibility.

  5. Kcir you biological weapon you.

    The second shot may be responsible for some mild rashes and some weird night time hot flashes, but no I’m not going thru menopause 😀

    The shingles shot left me sick for 3 days both times. Good to hope I’ll never get shingles, but never again.

  6. Joe6,

    I wear tinfoil too, just not so tight I make stuff up to cause panic. Getting sick of these anonymous punks with their doomsday claims and nihilistic crap.

  7. Today I saw a meme on I think it was Conserv. Froglegs, of a karen wearing a paper mask asking a couple of Amish guys why covid isn’t effecting them. Old bearded Amish guy says, “Because we don’t have TV”

  8. A couple of my coworkers have both gotten the shot (don’t know which one), and both experienced mild complications (fever, pain, nausea). At least, that’s what they told our supervisor as they both clocked out and went home early on a Friday afternoon. And she had to take their word for it and let them go, leaving the rest of us to pick up the slack without them.

  9. In defense of anonymous, there is a video circulating that shows a magnet sticking to the arms of several people. However, that’s the extent validating that I will offer, as the video is obviously bogus.

  10. You people that had “mild side effects” got lucky. Does not mean you are ok. They are NOT vaccines. They are a bio weapon de pop shot. The truth is all over the place. But you will never admit the truth, because that would mean you fell for the con. And I have seen the magnet videos and you know who I am.

  11. I’m work in the medical field and I never got the vaccine. I purposely got COVID from one of my clients so I could get actual antibodies to the disease rather than shoot up some experimental drug cocktail with unknown long term effects.

  12. ^ Thanks for making me chuckle.

    The c’mon man go getters!

    The here’s the deal git her doners.


    The Get the shot! Get the shot! Get the shotters.

    The circle back build back circle jerks!

  13. I altered my DNA several times in the early 1970s, it was CIA approved. Timothy Leary was a Doctor wasn’t he?

    I’ll pass on the government approved experimental gene altering therapy.

    Those that took the jab, I sincerely hope all is well for you and there are no lasting effects.

    If I die of wuhan covid 19, I invite you to come piss on my grave and say, “I told you so!”.

    You’ll have to get directions from my wife, she’s very bad at giving directions, just so ya know.

  14. @Observer
    Waver? No Idea what you mean.

    I’m quite consistent.
    The Government Is a Joke and i shit about it as much as possible. I post to inform you/Americans of the Policies the Democraps are modelling after. (Turdeau and the globalists)

    I have had other vaccines and this one does not concern me.
    If anyone thinks the Vac is full of micro trackers etc., then what do you thing your credit cards, phones, computers, Auto GPS, smart watches, Toll booth transponders, & net enabled TV’s do.
    Trump was the one that pushed “Warp Speed”

    I am totally with Truck Buddy.

    Most people on this site were born in a time when many families had a baby or young child that died shortly after birth. My Grandmother lost 3 and one got brain damage from SEVERE Fever and lived to 90 years old.

    Finally, as mentioned Before:

    I will do whatever it takes to GO TO WORK and MAKE MONEY FOR MY FAMILY. I am quite certain I had Covid-19 already BEFORE THERE WAS A TEST. Felt like an ODD 3 day Flu in very early Feb of 2020. The world is starting to admit it was floating around well before March 2020 of its declaration. Toronto has Huge commerce with China & Italy (earliest European cases) There was no test back then in Canuckistan. I still got the fuckin shot.

    If I drop dead in 10 years from Vac complications (I’m 51) I will easily have put away another shitstorm of Money for the family. If I kick sooner They get the life insurance.

    I am the disposable drill bit.
    I drink too much,
    I work & work out Hard,

    so, How do I waver Observant One?

  15. Have y’all forgotten OUR President, DJT, was the one that got the vaccine done?

    So now it’s a conspiracy? I can’t believe y’all have such short memories. How it is being used as a means of control is the new problem now that the New Opportunists are in power, but DJT wanted the mess over and did something about it. 🤦

  16. magnets?
    not sure, but, with possible relevance:

    Using Magnetic Force to Enhance Immune Response to DNA Vaccine

    A magnetically targeted nucleic acid delivery method was developed, called magnetofection, to enhance immune responses in DNA vaccine. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that freshly prepared magnetic nanoparticles were approximately 5-15 nm in size and were also fairly spherical….”

    the magnet thing could be possible, if such nano particles were present, and the experiment is done previous to dispersal of whatever the fuck it actually is that they inject people with.

    well educated (current), retired RN here. Vaccinated for just about everything and current with that. No anti-vax issues here. It isn’t a vaccine- it is an experimental gene therapy, and the previously undone ‘live animal testing,’ is now being forced on the public.
    Abe Lincoln said something like:’just because you call a tail a leg, doesn’t mean a dog has 5 legs’
    they ain’t putting that shit in my body.

  17. @billyhall2006


    I work with electricity & sometimes diagnosing units while they run I accidentally get a jolt. You can’t always wear the heavy gloves in some of the very tight areas the meter needs to get.

    I fried myself nicely a couple weeks ago (after the vac)

    It felt about the same and the he previous 100 times 😉
    Twice a year for about 34 years (more when i was younger)

    When you climb ladders every day, play with Gas, Hydro, & pressured refrigerants, you stop worrying about a lot of shit.

    PS – lot of great people on this site. I respect you all. (Even Chasten & his Buttibuddy)

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