Hamas Front Organizations Operate Right Here On Our Soil – IOTW Report

Hamas Front Organizations Operate Right Here On Our Soil


All major terrorist organizations have political wings that cooperate with their operational elements and further the cause.  Hamas is no different. Its political wing, in fact, operates throughout the United States in plain sight and with the apparent tacit approval of the Biden administration and federal law enforcement.

Victims of Hamas attacks have now blown the whistle on this horrifying truth and filed suit. Following are select extracts from the complaint in that suit, filed against AJP Educational Foundation, Inc. aka American Muslims for Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine. more

9 Comments on Hamas Front Organizations Operate Right Here On Our Soil

  1. On our borders? I think it’s worse than that. Talib, Omar and their Allies are in federal office and if not directly involved are at minimum sympathetic and appear cooperative.

  2. Under the umbrella of National Security, they should be rounded up and sent to Gaza, Lebanon or Syria.
    If they fund terrorism elsewhere, they are a danger to National Security of the US.

    FJB, How many thousands have crossed our borders with absolutely NO Vetting? Was allowing terrorists among us, the plan all along? Heads must role, if they are cognisant or not (That’s you Joe).


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