Hamas To Load Rockets with Fentanyl? – IOTW Report

Hamas To Load Rockets with Fentanyl?


Israel is preparing for the possibility that the Hamas terror organization in Gaza and the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon may attack using rockets filled with various liquid fentanyl variants, designed to incapacitate and kill large numbers of people.

The Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s version of the Red Cross, sent an alert to staffers this week telling them that Israel’s health authorities had warned the MDA to prepare for the possibility that terror organizations might cause a mass casualty event using opioids from the fentanyl class of compounds. The MDA asked staff members to familiarize themselves with the protocol for treating a mass casualty event triggered by fentanyl. More

21 Comments on Hamas To Load Rockets with Fentanyl?

  1. Israel to deliver Naxolone and NARCAN to it’s Jewish population ASAP. Take the naxolone at the maximum dosage allowed as preventative and have the NARCAN handy if one of those rockets gets through. Ideally Israel needs to shoot them down while the rockets are still over GASA. When they mass-kill their own kind, they’ll stop using this type of rocker real quick.

  2. Fentanyl in gas form is what the Russians used when the Chechans took all those hostages in a Moscow theater. They said they just wanted to knock everyone unconscious, but ended up killing everyone, terrorists and hostages alike.

  3. Naloxone only offers temporary relief. If the dose is high enough a patient can relapse over time. Also it’s less effective against synthetics like Fentanyl.

    Not sure if it works prophylactically. Narcan itself is excreted over time, and as an antagonist even if it did work you may have Fentanyl on your clothes and in your hair in sufficient doses to overwhelm it.

    Not gonna take a lot to tie up Israeli medical support, transport, and hospitals. And if part of your force is engaged in evacuating another part of your force, what’s left to defend against a follow up attack…

  4. Exterminate the bastards already.

    FWIW, thanks to Religion of Peace Bush the United States is infested with the same sonsabitches we all witnessed cheering and chanting Death to America on 9/11.

  5. …from the article…

    “But I don’t want my friend to get into trouble. Do I have to call 911?

    YES — you do. Naloxone is fast acting and temporary — whereas opioids can be very long lasting. The overdose victim can often succumb to the opioids again as soon as the naloxone wears off. They can slip back into unconsciousness and stop breathing all over again! That’s why it’s so important to call 911 if you administered naloxone to anyone. The threat of relapse into life-threatening symptoms is very real and occurs regularly. The victim must be helped through the overdose by medical professionals.”

    ..good stuff, but NOT definitive care.

    Remember that.

  6. Even if they did launch such an attack, the Palestinians would claim it was Jewish propaganda, the U.N. would condemn Isreal, and the U.S. would call for both sides to calm down (in other words, do absolutely nothing constructive). And I agree: just kill the bastards already — the Isrealis have put up with this shit for far too long.

  7. Anonymous Saturday, 11 November 2023, 19:34 at 7:34 pm

    Goldenfoxx SATURDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2023, 17:12 AT 5:12 PM…. that’s not very Christian of you.

    Which part? Never said I was perfect, and don’t look to me to be perfect. Thanks for your concern.


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