Hand over the keys… – IOTW Report

Hand over the keys…

22 Comments on Hand over the keys…

  1. There’s a good chance gun control efforts will go down in flames. Even though 250 RINO donors approve. These politicians know that even Democrats are buying guns. If it does, they’ll be sure that we pay a price.

  2. OK. I have been holding back.

    Next presidential news conference Question should be:
    Should we prosecute every organization that sells Arms?

    Follow up: Would this include Planned Parenthood?

  3. Whoa whoa whoa wait just a cotton pickin minute. Wife just used the Guide on DirectTv and all the usual programming has been scrubbed for all networks for the Jan6 show trial. For Thursday’s pelosi show. Not just the networks. All channels.

    Decide for yourselves.

  4. You know, it’s the black shiny sports cars that are the most dangerous. They’re assault vehicles because they have the standard transmission and go Vroom! down the highway when they pass me in my Subaru. Since the Constitution was written when people got around in carriages and horse drawn wagons, you’ll have to talk to the Amish if you want to travel anywhere not served by public transportation.

  5. Non-compliance will win in the end.
    We have a constitutional right that supersedes their assumed right to treat us like children.
    “Just say no”-to unconstitutional decrees.

  6. “All your guns belong to us, Manchin on board for raising age to 21. ”

    Just so you know. They tried this in Cali. SCOTUS found it unconstitutional. REJECTED.

    How about you leave me and my gun alone and go figure out how to stop killers? I’m not giving up my weapons. A hill I will die on.

  7. but will we still be able to get suicide bomber vests so we can take one for the team usa?

    and who do we call to get one?
    the local mosque?
    the fbi?
    the cia?, no not the cia, they are for cocaine and heroin.
    hillary will know

  8. Note the 2nd says “The right to bare arms.” It doesn’t mention muskets or rifles. It uses the generic term that included spears, bow n arrow, crossbow, catapults, cannons, mortars, rifles, shotguns, muskets, blunderbuss, knives, swords, even fire. In fact ANY tool that an army used.

  9. And what part of “Shall Not Be Infringed?” don’t the Gun grabbers understand. There are NO Restrictions on the ownership of Arms. The People Were supposed to BE the ARMY. We did not have a standing army until the 20th century.

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