Handing Out Homemade Signs At Hillary Rallies – IOTW Report

Handing Out Homemade Signs At Hillary Rallies


At a recent event for Hillary Clinton, campaign workers were videoed handing out handmade support signs to the crowd in order to give the small group that touch of authentic enthusiasm that she sorely lacks at all of her rallies.


Maybe Hillary supporters are just too lazy to make their own.

18 Comments on Handing Out Homemade Signs At Hillary Rallies

  1. “The homemade signs are likely meant to make it seem as though those in attendance actually made and brought them to the rally themselves.”

    And everybody had only the exact same red and blue paint at home. Whoops, gotta do better than that.

    Most likely, some elementary school teacher wasted an hour of class time and school resources by drafting her class into propaganda production.

  2. They were paid to attend, then paid to hold placards they didn’t make, and to emote some sort of enthusiasm they don’t feel. So genuine, NOT. AS phony and plastic as she is.

  3. The Dem apathy doesn’t bode well for turnout.
    This won’t be anything like Obama turnout numbers, in ANY of her various target constituencies.

    If Nov 08 is anything other than a perfect weather day, the Dem turnout will be even more depressed. Slackers and welfare queens will not stand in the rain, or the cold, for Hilary.

    Their best hope now, and my main fear, is systemic electronic voting machine fraud.

    Trump-PENCE! 2016

  4. Not to defend Democrats who would be way too lazy to make their own signs – but Trump’s rallies don’t allow home made signs for security reasons. They have you come with nothing and they hand out signs. They don’t make them look home made to trick anyone and Trump’s attendees hold them upright for much longer then her supporters hold them upside down.

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