Handlers Resort To Extreme Measures To Limit Biden’s Exposure To The Media – IOTW Report

Handlers Resort To Extreme Measures To Limit Biden’s Exposure To The Media

Red State

Occasionally, however, the puppet masters behind the scenes fret that being able to intervene on Biden’s behalf when things get weird isn’t nearly enough, and that’s typically when we see the basement or “Hideout Plan” activated, the plan where instead of holding formal pressers like he’s supposed to his handlers set conditions that severely limit press interaction to avoid situations that will further embarrass the Biden White House.

Such has been the case this week, where the so-called traditional “Three Amigos” press conference with Biden, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador – which originally was scheduled for tomorrow in DC, per White House press secretary Jen Psaki last week – has been scrapped because Biden made a series of blunders in the span of 24-hours Tuesday that have staffers behind the scenes struggling to correct the record.

10 Comments on Handlers Resort To Extreme Measures To Limit Biden’s Exposure To The Media

  1. It’s not just that FJB is a brain dead putz, but it’s also the way his handlers go along like there’s nothing wrong and this is the normal way of things. Keep it up and soon he’ll fly apart like a chinese made clock, then how do they explain that?


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