“Hanoi” Jane Now “Climate” Jane – IOTW Report

“Hanoi” Jane Now “Climate” Jane


Actress-activist Jane Fonda said she is taking a break from her Netflix comedy series Grace and Frankie and is moving to Washington, D.C. in order to be at the center of the so-called climate change battle.

The two-time Oscar-winning star said she wants to see fossil fuels phased out over 30 years and wants the government to stop leasing permits for fossil fuel development on public lands and waters.

The 81-year-old Jane Fonda was arrested Friday after she and a group of fellow sign-wielding agitators refused to move from the steps of the U.S. Capitol building where she was participating in her “Fire Drill Fridays” protest for the environment. More

28 Comments on “Hanoi” Jane Now “Climate” Jane

  1. Had I known Fonda’s kid was only 100 miles away 52 years ago; i’d gone AWAL and snuck up and killed her myself. Asking permission was out of the question. Before 2002 Americans did not kill Americans! Since the Fonda Clan has hated America for 100 years; i do not think of ’em as “American”.

    But I only found out after I came home.

  2. An obnoxiom provided by a fopdoodle and deviousest

    Translation:  Objectionable content not based on anything of substantive merit except for a subjective opinion driven by extreme political bias from someone of little significance, but more devious than anyone else.

    C U Next Tuesday

  3. @ TRF: It takes brains to see a scam. As you said, she hasn’t got ’em. Maybe Henry had ’em – although he did stay a libtwit until the end. Maybe his ONLY skill was portraying what he was not. But the kids missed out on brains big time…


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