Hans Shouldn’t Solo Any Longer – IOTW Report

Hans Shouldn’t Solo Any Longer

Take the airplane keys away from Harrison Ford.

He was cleared for landing and nearly crashed his plane into a 737 because Ford confused the taxiway for the runway.


“Was that airliner meant to be underneath me?” Ford, 74, can be heard asking on air traffic control recordings of the incident. Controllers explained to Ford that, despite the fact that he’d read back the correct landing instructions he’d been given, he had mistaken the taxiway for the runway he was supposed to land on. The FAA is investigating; Ford’s alleged actions violate FAA safety rules, and the organization could issue him a warning or go so far as to suspend his pilot’s license. Ford, who collects vintage aircraft, crash-landed a World War II-era plane on a golf course in 2015 after the engine failed and crash-landed a helicopter in 1999 during a lesson. In 2000, another one of his planes was involved in an emergency landing. But NBC notes that the actor “is revered as an excellent pilot in aviation circles.”


Sure he is. And Elvis was a black belt.


25 Comments on Hans Shouldn’t Solo Any Longer

  1. so where is it that this thespian has to be that he needs a plane to fly to get there? go ahead hford, kill some peeps with your plane next time so their families can sue whats left of your estate. these thespians have no f’n clue do they? they think their gonna live forever. idiots

  2. He’s honestly just being a stereotypical stubborn ‘old’ person. He likes flying, but he doesn’t have his bearings anymore, so he really shouldn’t. Now, the reason they won’t take away his license IS because of who he is, but I honestly believe that Ford is just stubborn and old and likes his planes.

  3. Bill Whittle, an excellent pilot, respects Ford for his flying ability so that’s a plus, but his age is a minus, and there’s no way a man his age has the reaction speed, eyesight, or ability he once had.

    It’s hard to give up something you really love but this incident should convince it’s no longer safe and he needs to take the copilot seat from now on. Sorry, but it’s time to Han in your license.

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