Happy Anniversary!!! – IOTW Report

Happy Anniversary!!!

Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 12.55.35 AM

20 Comments on Happy Anniversary!!!

  1. Any white folks or white cops still living, working in Ferguson deserve a free head examination.
    Take any loss and get the fuck out of the planet of the apes.
    You get your ass beat, killed…it’s on you now.
    You have been warned!

  2. Nothing like celebrating the anniversary of a black thugs death with rioting and looting. Why don’t they just shoot them like they did in the old days? You know like 30 or 40 years ago. This will not end well either for Ferguson or America. Not with the current thug in chief in power and his injustice dept. I still remember that black guy who called Rush before the 08 election and told him about the thug thizzle, wish I never heard of that or obummer either.

  3. They try to come on as long suffering
    saints oppressed by evil whites. They
    only succeed in turning it into a nasty
    Vaudeville act complete with riots
    and shooting. There is a pendulum
    swinging here and it’s going to hurt
    when it swings back.

  4. The cops have their National Night Out, I don’t see what’s wrong with a day reserved for a National Chimp Out.

    Just think of all the live fire drills that could be accomplished in one day for all agencies and individuals involved. Probably be able to rid the shtreets of a few of the worst offenders as well.

  5. One day when the assholes in charge crash the economy, the Negros will rise up to ‘get their fair share’
    Feral Negros will prey on targets of opportunity, and they (and other innocent Negroes) will be summarily shot by citizens tired of this shit

  6. #HandsUp – Guns up, that way nobody ever gets hurt, cuz when ya jus shoot straight up in da air, it jus stays up dare, it don’t never come down at all.
    Happy Anniversary
    Happy Newyear
    Happy Indepgesdj White peoples Day << h/t cris rock

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