Happy Birthday Abigail Adams – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday Abigail Adams

Our Abigail Adams…

53 Comments on Happy Birthday Abigail Adams

  1. Have a wonderful birthday, Abigail Adams!
    Be safe, stay home and eat cake.
    But don’t eat cake since sugar lowers your resistance to CoVid-19.
    Unless it doesn’t, in which case, have some cake!
    Unless you don’t like, cake, in which case, give your piece to me.
    Also, coffee is good with cake.
    Unless you don’t like coffee.
    But please have the coffee ready when your guests arrive.
    Unless they aren’t, since they’re quarantined.
    Remember, we’re all in this together.

  2. Abigail Adams,

    That’s 276??? haha – or 53ish when you were the second first Lady?? I enjoy reading your posts.

    Happy B-day and all the best!

    Your most humble fellow patriot,
    Gen. Glover

  3. Happy Birthday AA
    Unfortunatelly some nimrod blew out the candles before they got here
    It’s all ruined now
    Gonna have to rewrap all those presents for another day
    It’s not my party so don’t cry if you want to, too
    Happy Birthday to You

  4. There is a rule, that in any grouping of people (greater than 20), that two people will share a birthday.. It’s one of those “gambling” rules.
    At any rate, happy belated birthdays to Abigail Adams and Agatha Kakalogical. I wish you both many happy returns of the day.
    AND Bobcat…….. my sentiments exactly.

  5. A birthday like today must be memorable and unforgettable, I hope that you have a great day today, filled with lots of joy, love, laughter, and happiness. Happy birthday!

    (meant with a lot of love, affection, and respect to you on your special day)

  7. Can’t believe I missed my own party!!

    (I was already in bed, but had to get up to let the cat in/out/in/out/in.)

    Today was an okay day, all things considered. This made it very special and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your very kind well wishes!

    I’m not holding up well this past week to all the “news”, the WH pressers leave me feeling confused and anxious. I can’t work from home and I’m sick of working at home. I’m sick of Wysocki puzzles. So I started watching all the period costume movies and series on YT, which of course meant mostly Dickens works. Plowed through those and now I’m watching a series called “The Mill” — based on the historical characters of a particular cotton mill in Cheshire, England set in the early 1800’s. As low as I’m feeling, it somehow is helpful to learn about indentured servitude and watch people who worked 14 hours/day, 6 days/week, and who were served their thick meal of barley and water into their cupped hand as they ate and trudged to the mill every morning. Slept two to a mattress-less bunk, had no rights at all, except on Sundays. Can’t wait for the next Britisher to sound off about American slavery. Industrial Britain obtained their slaves from the urban work houses as children, put them in barracks, worked them to death until they were 21 (when they could then become paid apprentices), then “furloughed” them to be replaced with more work house children (whose ages were fudged a year or more in order to keep them under the harness for free for a longer period of time). Yes, I cannot wait to hear from some nose-in-the-air, know-it-all about American slavery.

    This is what we escaped with the clothes on our backs and the fire of freedom in our bellies, my friends! Not a good time to back down from those who would renew our indentures.

  8. …sorry I’m late, I was dark yesterday and besides, it takes a lot of time to dress to modern party standards…


    …so from behind the mask and gown, I extend a gloved hand and a benediction to you…may you be as blessed by the Lord as you bless us here by your insights, because then you will be blessed indeed…

    “24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

    25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

    26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”
    Numbers 6:24-26

    God Bless,

  9. Happy birthday A A . I remember years ago when you were having surgery, I offered a couple Catholic masses for your recovery. I’m glad all is well. Anyway another birthday and I hope it’s a good one, love your comments, be safe ,and well, and C 19 free!


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