Happy Birthday Admin Girl – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday Admin Girl

27 Comments on Happy Birthday Admin Girl

  1. …I never was blessed to meet Admim Girl here, but I’ve heard that we can best be judged by our friends, and I’d say she was tight with a pretty great group of people…

    …also, that picture does not disappoint. I was always intrigued by her avitar, and now that I see the face it WENT with. I can surely say that she was a lovely lady on the OUTSIDE as well as the INSIDE, and it only makes me wish I’d found this place SOONER…

  2. VERY Happy birthday, A G!

    I miss her too – and ALWAYS was taken by her avatar. Thank you for posting her picture! What a beautiful face!! Somehow, years ago and I don’t remember how, I had a brief and very delightful conversation with her. And wasn’t it her who did the “Oil of Obama” cut? As I posted all those years ago, I’d have paid to listen to her read from a phone book! A voice to go with the face – and the wit!. Could you please run that clip again?

  3. Is that an airborne insignia on your leather jacket, AG? And does that mean what I think it means? That your daddy was a Vietnam vet? And your mother????

    I always wondered how she could maintain a conservative point of view while working in the heart of the liberal darkness. I think there are some clues here

  4. Being somewhat the newbie, I feel as if I really missed out not knowing her?

    And, MAJOR sympathies to those the knew her personally and by her avatar, the eye is very cool looking. The loss of a good friend is the WORSE in my opinion.

    @BFH – was she the brainiac amoungst you all?? Oh and that photo looks like it was taken in and around 1985? Leather jacket, pins, hair and the earrings.

    Reminds me of Greenwich Village back then.

    RIP The Technically Enabled One. ‘The scent of Righteousness’??? THAT was funny and clever.


  5. I did not know this person, though she has the appearance of a rock star frankly, quite beautiful.


    Btw she(voice) is now immortalized by being on the Net, we are told, that means forever.

  6. Wow that sucks, I am really new here, lost friends to fuckin’ early, we all have one, or two.

    I like music at times like this and could be helpful.

    Flaming Lips, Do You Realize: (this might be too trippy for some)

    Yo Lo Tengo, What Sara Said:

    What a soothing voice, but I would never buy the Oil. (some fun Irish funeral humor, Harry McCay style there).


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