Happy Birthday, Dadof4! – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday, Dadof4!

May your special day be filled with unexpected blessings.

35 Comments on Happy Birthday, Dadof4!

  1. Mmmm, cake loaded with high glycemic carb’s. Claudia made that! (It’s missing candles, however.)

    And now we sing…

    (Screw it. Eat the cake and have a Happy Birthday!)

  2. May the Lord bless and protect you, heal you and help you, and guide your steps through the coming year ever closer to Him.

    In the blessed name of Jesus I pray,


    God Bless,

  3. Have a great birthday! I just got home with two cartons of Peachy Peach Blue Bell ice cream. Come on down and I’ll scoop you up a bowl. Then you can help me kill the in-ground hornet nest I found yesterday.

  4. Happy Birthday DofIV sit back and start counting your blessings, no telling what your next trip around the sun will bring. Hopefully more blessings.

  5. aww ! Thank you everyone! I really appreciate it.

    While I was born on Father’s day way back when, my kids keep combining the two. LOL “Shouldn’t have been been born on this day if you want a separate celebration” HA HA! Oh well. Jesus has blessed me with my request to have a family and to give me sons. (The name was dying out with me)

    Two weekends ago, I got to experience exactly what I envisioned as a 17 year old talking to God about my future right after graduating HS as # 8 in class rank.

    God asked me what I truly wanted out of life.

    I answered that, if I lived to be 80 y.o., I would want to see a sea of faces made up of my progeny, their spouses, and their friends. I got just that.

    The idea of living a self-centered life with a plethora of plaques on the walls recording it, was sad if a stranger was pulling them off the wall and saying what a nice life I had as she put them in a box and there was no further significance to my life.

    Here is the latest recording of that result. It was toward the end of my oldest grand child’s graduation party. His friends, his sister’s friends, my children, their friends and relatives. There were a lot more people there a few hours earlier. This recording was about an hour before I left. Many people had left already, including son #2.

    All three of my grand daughters are in the frame from 20-24 seconds. The latest is playing hide and seek in my newest DiL’s belly.

    My oldest son and oldest grandchild are seconds before the girls are framed in the video. Yellow shirt sitting down and the closest corn hole player in the same frame.

    This was a day I was blessed with. I am so thankful.

    I am truly a blessed man.


  6. Dr Hambone… Fresh Blue Bell is the best! I’ll throw down with anyone that disagrees! lol

    I’ll take on those ground hornets for free for you. I truly love my job and helping friends makes it hard to charge for it. lol


    @ TIM – FJB

    Of course I’ll have a 1000 more! And that’ll be a blip compared to the eternity I’ll spend with our Lord.


    @ General Malaise

    Claudia knows to make me a sugar-free, carb-free treat. I’ll enjoy the heck out of it!

    Thank you everyone for your B-day wishes, they truly made a difference for me!

    Of course, I’m thinking Fur hates me. I only donate occasionally and use an ad-blocker with my PC. 😉 JK

    I challenge everyone to match my donations!…

    Fur might be able to afford a nice yacht if you do. Not kidding. lol

  7. Dadof4,

    These people who have something against sugar!

    May I remind you that your cells run on both sugar and fat. Is it any wonder then, why we like to eat sugar and fat? (Salt to taste.)

    Think about it. I’ll wait…

    Okay, now that you’ve agreed, I could bake you my world-famous, award-winning, splendiferous RUM CAKE whose glaze is so thick (and full of rum, brown sugar, cinnamon and cream) that it causes uncontrollable, involuntary smiles and even laughter in some people. Others become comatose immediately with eyes rolled back into their sockets.

    This cake is so good, you’ll have multiple pieces before your kids start yelling, “Dad, put the cake knife DOWN… NOW! Step away from the cake! Grab him! He’s gonna fall down!!”

    So, hey. The price of eating special food might just be a pound or two that we have to work off. I burn-off my desserts by vegetable gardening which makes me virtuous and able to bake another cake… or pie. (Mmmm, boysenberry pie…)

  8. Dadof4, You have a beautiful family! Had to sign in at YouTube to give you a thumbs up (and use a long forgotten password) and in a few days you’ll Have Father’s Day !!! Cheers!


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