Happy Birthday Uncle Al! – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday Uncle Al!

54 Comments on Happy Birthday Uncle Al!

  1. There are no candles. Where are the candles? How old are you Uncle Al…40?, 50? Inquiring minds want to know. Oh well, happy birthday…no matter how old you are 😁

  2. Thank you all for your good wishes and kind words! For the record, this is my 71st birthday. I’ll have some nice chocolate cake in a while but have already enjoyed my birthday pie — old world pepperoni and Italian sausage pizza washed down with Yeungling lager. Yum!

  3. Crap! I got you a bottle of Laphroaig, but if it’s Yeungling you prefer, I’ll take it ba……… no I’ll drink it to your health! Happy Day. Wishing you as many more as you can stand.

  4. @Uncle Al – RIGHT ON. Salute Sir.

    Yuengling is ‘one of our oldest and best’ brews and bros…

    I am going to the store RIGHT now to get some cold ones from York, Pa.

    Pizza and beer, you are the man!

    Keep on giving the grief to the communists in the next year.

    God Bless to you and your family,


  5. I hoisted a Beam and a yuengling in your honor. Now it’s a small bowl of edy’s rocky road and off to bed.
    Happy birthday old man. I’m 5.5 years behind you.

    Who knew either of us would make it this far? Haha.

  6. @Crackerbaby — It’s not at all that I prefer Yeungling over Laphroaig, it’s that with pizza I prefer beer over spirits. Laphroaig is mighty fine; my own absolute favorite is one I can rarely afford: The Macallan 18-year-old. On normal (frequent) occasions I sip on a couple of shots of Bulleit rye whiskey over a few ice cubes and a splash of water.

  7. @Uncle Al – meant to add, you have another year logged in of being on a rock, or planet, ‘rotating while revolving’, around that shiny thing warm thing…

  8. When I was 1 you were 6 – 6x older.
    When I was 30 you were 35 – 0.17x older.

    How long before we’re the same age?

    Happy Birthday!
    Hope you have a thousand more!


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