Happy Birthday Uncle Al – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday Uncle Al

54 Comments on Happy Birthday Uncle Al

  1. Looks like someone is bring back candlepower as a measurement of light intensity. Happy birthday Uncle Al, may your light only shine brighter.

  2. Lindo. Hiciste que el día de la madre se tratara de ti misma.

    (editors note. I failed this Spanish test. The fudge is hiciste? It’s supposed to be hacer.)

  3. …glad I don’t run fire anymore, you’re someone ELSE’S problem, Cake Boy.

    …seriously, here’s to one of our best sources of wisdom and humor here in our little patch of Interwebs. No fact checker can EVER get the jump on our Al the Unk.

    “A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.”
    John 16:21

    …seems legit, your Mom has something to do with THIS day x2, but I don’t know how happy she’d be knowing you hang out with forajidos like we…

    …BTW, THIS is my reference for “Uncle Al”. Yes, I know this is very regional and you don’t mean this, but somehow it’s more fun thinking this is YOU…


  4. @Burr — Keep this in mind for your next Spanish test:

    — “Hiciste” is correct. That’s the familiar form of saying “you made”.

    — I am male and the masculine form is “mismo”.

    — “Astuto” has connotations of “clever” and “sly”, unlike “Linda” (which is the feminine form anyway).

    Ergo: Astuto. Hiciste que el día de la madre se trata de ti mismo.

    ¡Espero que eso te ayude!

    Your boludo amistoso, Tío Al.

  5. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS — Hey, there IS a connection between me and your other Uncle Al: I had a plaid jacket very much like that when I was about ten years old!

    Thanks for your comment, and thanks for teaching me a word in Spanish I didn’t know (or had forgotten – I am after all “getting on”): Forajido

  6. Your Spanish is so refined. I just aspire to speak fluent Mesikin.

    Mainly to piss off the military checkpoint officers in the middle of nowhere. Normally I just roll with calling the (invariably) Captain Senora instead of senor. Just to get the ball rolling. This makes all the short indigenous looking privates smile. Makes them ease up on the grips of the .50 slung over the sandbags.

    No idea why, but short Chiapas indians and Guatemalan types like me, the whiter, taller Mesikins do not. So I play to them. Result? I get searched. Not much to look for on a bike but I take the opportunity to further torture the language while inadvertently insulting the officer.

    October is your go to month. Summertime is too hot for shenanigans.

    The game is to see how many times you can make the officer put his hand on his gun butt in frustration.

  7. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MAY 9, 2021 AT 7:18 PM
    “If this was a leftist site, nobody would know what half a gross was…”.

    …well, they’d think that it’s a Fauci, because HE’S half-sized and VERY gross…;)

  8. Uncle Al; No open fires until after the 14th so you might want to hold off. But what ever you decide have a great day and just keep getting up, unless the woman out weighs you, in that case, just stay down on the floor so she doesn’t rattle your teeth.

  9. @Sapper Chris:

    Happy birthday uncle Al! I’ll pour a drink in your honor.

    I propose a toast to EVERYBODY’S birthday, whenever it is!


    I’m sipping something I’m frugal with and ration carefully: The Macallan 18.


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