Happy Earth Day / Lenin’s B-Day – IOTW Report

Happy Earth Day / Lenin’s B-Day

Competitive Enterprise Institute

It may be sheer coincidence, but it’s all too fitting that the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, would occur on V.I. Lenin’s 100th birthday, given that most of the modern environmentalist movement grew out of the far left student movement of the 1960s. In that milieu, it wasn’t rare to see people brandishing and citing Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book as a source of wisdom. And many in the anti-war movement accused the capitalist chemical companies of growing rich by producing napalm and Agent Orange to drop on the people and forests of Viet Nam. More

11 Comments on Happy Earth Day / Lenin’s B-Day

  1. We should honor the founder of Earth Day by murdering and composting your girlfriends in a closet then fleeing America and fighting extradition from Europe 20 years.

  2. Thanks for the video Dr Tar.
    I always wondered what the original context was for all those Meme videos that dubbed their own subtitles onto it.
    It just goes to show that all dictators are the ultimate narcissists and deep down feel they are gods and in control of and responsible for everything.

  3. I wonder how many tons of litter will have to be picked up after the Earf Day parades this year. All deposited by cretins that want to scold us for crimes against the climate.

  4. Here is another dose of science from today’s MS news:

    Webb telescope detects light from an Earth-like planet…

    but…you read a little further and you read that it has no atmosphere…BUT IT’S EARTH-LIKE.

    Sounds like a good destination for a bunch of confused scientists.


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