Happy Father’s Day❣ – IOTW Report

Happy Father’s Day❣

Images from:

1 Miss Kitty (Broad-billed Hummingbird) Big Daddy is a Broad-billed Hummingbird that feeds from hand. BD is quite the character and very territorial, follows me around the yard and guards all the feeder’s like he owns them. There is also a Black-chinned Hummingbird I named Little Buckaroo, but he is new to the area and more timid. I dedicate this photo to my “dear old Dad” who loved his bird’s on Father’s Day. 🦉 Happy Father’s Day to all of you Dads.
2 Old guy (Violet) Sleeping on Dad
3 TennDon (Bluebird) Papa Blue Bird delivers a juicy worm to his li’l one. Taken in our backyard in Nashville, TN.
4 Pixabay (Sheep) Dad, I’m King of the Mountain!
5 Pixabay (Dog) Fetch! Dad, let’s play fetch! Here I come!

Want to share your critter pictures? Submit them for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.

  • Independence Day – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon.
  • Hide From the Riots – critters hiding – theme idea from Marco
  • First Discoveries – A day where a pup or kitten or any animal discovers something for the first time.
  • “Pet”erans Day – for our special friends, past and present.


19 Comments on Happy Father’s Day❣

  1. Great live action shots
    (Except violet).
    Great shot, Miss Kitty!
    And as always, thank you Claudia for bringing Everyone here the joy of critters. Happy Father’s Day, although I seem to be experiencing a touch of empty nest syndrome.

  2. Jethro, that’s so like Dads! If that were my family, the kits would be my two brothers, the one getting yelled at and the one watching. Us girls would be hiding behind Mom because we were always saintly and never got yelled at. Bwwwahahahahahaha

    Truthfully, I would probably be the instigator who put my brother up to do what he’s getting yelled at. But we all knew Dad was a true gentle giant. I miss you, Dad.

  3. Big Daddy Pic

    I Luv Bacon
    Thank You!

    Conservative Cowgirl
    It took about five day’s using the phone (I guess he didn’t feel like striking a pose.) If you have other feeder’s, a little patience and you wear sunglasses, they can be feeding from your hand within a day or two. Sometimes you can have two or three Hummingbirds dive-bombing around you to get to the feeder. It’s the coolest experience. 😉

    Thanks Chuckie

    Thanks Claudia

  4. Father’s Day and my animal is sleeping off a long night of worrying about a family of rabbits living under the deck. The bunnies come out at night to feast on the grass. Jamieboy spends hours sniffing the bushes and cracks in the deck trying to locate these interlopers. It’s exhausting work, just like being a good father can be sometimes. Thanks for reminding us about our young ones.

  5. @Miss Kitty, thank you for the tips. I want to try that! Sometimes those little things are so impatient when I rehang the freshly cleaned and filled feeder, they land on it and start drinking before I’ve reached the hook! I love them!

  6. Evenin’ everyone and Happy Fathers Day as well.

    @Miss Kitty – Great shot, thanks for the tips as well although I don’t think I could attract them around where I live, just to close to the city??

    @Old guy – very comfy!

    @TennDon – excellent pic! That’s what I have been doing for the past three months myself…timing is everything.

    You don’t have to be a ‘father’ to get today, so to all the steps, fosters, grandpas, uncles, sons and daughters and everyone who has a passed on dad.

    (I’m just now getting a chance to check in after a full day of cooking a brunch with M Hatchs’ family).

    Thanks C!


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