Happy St. Patrick’s Day! – IOTW Report

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



28 Comments on Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  1. Happy St. Patrick’s Day,

    What a great Green Friday I knew it would be.

    “At least We have ‘Something in Common, Perhaps’”

    Sierra Hotel

    He DID it. Media Mental Wires tapped OUT.

    msNBC already freaking.

    Tonights Chris Matthews will be a flecks and spittle filled spinner.


  2. Say you are in Houston Texas, the petroleum capital of the world, how do you say the word that’s spelled O-I-L ?

    Now, say you are in Kansas, the cattle capital of the world, how do you say the word that’s spelled B-E-E-F?

    Now, say you are in Gloucester Massachusetts, the commercial fishing capital of America, how do you say the word that’s spelled H-O-O-K-E-D?

    Okay, it’s St Patricks Day March 17th, you’re in Belfast North Ireland and you are standing between a bunch of drunken Catholics & Protestants, how do you say all three words together?


  3. On St Patricks Day, this dude is in a bar drinking green beer. He gets a full bladder and walks into the bathroom. he’s peeing at the horse-trough urinal when a very short, redhaired guy wearing a green leprauchan suit walks in, stacks up a couple beer crates, pulls out a huge tallywhacker and begins to pee. Shocked, the dude asks the short guy “how can you be so short and have such a huge dick?” The short guy answers, “Aye, don’t ye know I’m a leprauchan, now?” The dude asks “hey, isn’t it true you have to give me one wish on St patricks Day?” The short guy says “aye, tis true. But ye have to do one thing fer me first.” The dude asks “what’s that?” The short guy says “ye have to drop yer pantaloons, bend over and I’m goin’ te fook ye up the arse”. The dude says “holy shit, I don’t know if I can handle that. But I want a johnson as big as yours so I’ll do anything to have my wish granted.” So the poor dude is bent over in pain, straining and grunting as he’s getting buggered, when the short guy taps him on the shoulder and says “aren’t ye a wee bit too old to be believin’ in leprauchans, now?”

  4. “Saint Patrick” was never made an actual Saint. “Saint Patrick’s day” is fake news/holiday. Don’t like it? Tough, I’m Scottish.

    Once I year I wish I had a dirk but then I realize I’m an American and own more fire arms than the whole Island of Ireland now the IRA is out of business.

  5. I’m Scots-Irish with German and English on my Mom’s side.
    I want a whiskey, but I’m too cheap to buy one.
    And I want a stiff Gin Fizz too, but will settle for some beer, if I can drink it out of a glass boot

  6. May God grant you always…
    A sunbeam to warm you,
    A moonbeam to charm you,
    A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.

    Happy St. Pat’s Day, all !!!
    And don’t drink the green beer !!!

  7. Gallagher got up this morning and read in the local paper obituaries that he had died.
    He called his buddy Kelly. “Did you read in the paper that I am dead,”? he shouted excitedly.
    “I did indeed,” said Kelly, (pause) “Where are you calling from.?

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all of you.

  8. DAN; You’re right about amateur day. I haven’t been in a bar on Saint Patrick’s in over thirty years. Right now I’m home having a pop or two, and playing IOTW Report. Enjoy.

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