Happy Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

Happy Thanksgiving

49 Comments on Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Give Thanks and Prayers, that common sense will prevail.
    Or take solace in the fact the gun sale have been one million + per month for the last 39 months, “We the People” are tired.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  2. In other news, I was just fired from my eighty dollar an hour online job…

    I’m thinking Brad clicked on one of my posts last night and took my place.

    Some Thanksgiving…sigh*

  3. I’d like to wish our Canadian friends a happy, um, ah, well…Thursday.

    BTW Kcir, is it true that Canada has NEVER scored a single goal in World Cup history?

    Best stick to Hockey…oh wait…um, sorry about that my friend.

  4. Please Search and report back later Today or Tomorrow **depending on your Local Timer Zone

    Feed Back Settings Request

    Does this Link to a twitter account that I found :

    My question about above link when it displays on your device
    1 – Do you see the other tweets below it?
    2 – The Pictures and Videos too?
    3 – For Example; The Tiny Turkey Pic 3 to 5 scrolls down
    4 – What about the FTX Madoff with the Money Comp?
    5 – Is this Tweeter?

    If you can answer Yes to as many as apply I would be grateful and will evaluate the results. After Dinner, of course.

    Thanks and Happy Happy Happy Thanksgiving to You too

  5. Thank you Lord, for all your Blessings.
    Thank you for iOTWReport and its originators, staff, and contributors.

    We have much to be Thankful for.
    (the Usurping Pedophile Biden ain’t one of them)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. My crazy SIL showed up last night with her face shield firmly in place. Still. Sat on the couch with her coat on and her arms crossed, shield well-positioned. Just a glimpse into how fun my Thanksgiving will be.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Remembering to stay thankful to God not only today but every day keeps us on the right track. It also keeps us sane.
    Enjoy your day everyone! Even those of you with nutty relatives in their face shields trying to eat and drink. 😋

  8. @erb
    Your pain is not unappreciated
    It goes well with my Breakfast Sardines

    Your Turkey in the Rain comment got nobodys vote
    They all Lie
    That’s all

    arr rr2 is having breakfast blend coffee with hot tomato fish head-less sticks on hard-tack pancake squares for an early AM snack. arr rr2.

    Morning All
    Wake and Bake

  9. Thanks to BFH for all the hard work keeping the trolls and bots at bay!
    Thanks to Claudia for the critters, a highlight of my week.
    Thanks IOTWReport Regulars! It is nice to know I have such smart and interesting friends.
    God bless you all.

  10. First, Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE HERE. It is a Beautiful Holiday and don’t let the Libtards tell us otherwise.


    LBS, May your FOOTBALL team WIN! (GO BILLS) I Also like TB-12 were ever he plays. (not happy about the crypto)

    Third, I Don’t Watch Soccer but in a sport that averages 2.6 goals per game & Canada has not been there since 1986 I’m sure you are correct.

    For Some reason, It is warm where I Ride my Mountain Bike Today & I’m going to try to get 1 more ride in before there is permanent ice on the trails. I’m taking most of the day OFF.

    This year, my American Friends up here are Coming over on Sunday so we will celebrate Thanksgiving II on the weekend.


  11. I’ll be with family where I’m guaranteed stuffing.
    Unfortunately the stuffing is liberal heads up their asses accepting what’s going on around them is normal.
    Thankful that my sister is a good cook and makes great pies.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The tv was on in the background this morning and I heard the local reporter say something about family, Thanksgiving and politics. Out of curiosity I started listening, they were about to have a doctor on to tell you how to deal with the conversation when you don’t want to talk politics and it makes you uncomfortable. It made me laugh that people are such wusses.

    Back when my siblings and I were married and just had our own kids, before our kids grew up and started having kids, we all still got together at Thanksgiving with our Mom. There were always fights over politics, we all survived. lol

    Today, since I raised conservative kids there is no arguing, just griping about government and politicians and talk of how to survive.

  13. We had turkey yesterday, nothing special today other than enjoying a long hike and start packing for a long vacation. Life is good…

    My wish is for everyone to have a great day with whatever you choose to do.

  14. @Old Racist White Woman: We had those conversations everyday! We no longer get together for Thanksgiving. One sibling is on dialysis and can’t drive or travel, other sibling is in Texas, dreading that she has to meet with the outlaws. My family has dwindled down these past 3 years, lost 3 siblings and my mother. So, less arguing. 🙂 I was able to get my mother to switch from Democrat (all her life) to Republican 5 years ago. She was 98 when she passed last year….big supporter of Trump.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at iOTWR!

    The flu is going around in my gal’s place so, we will put dinner off for a later time. Great sunny weather here in rural Appalachia so, may make a day of riding the sidecar in the mountains. AGAIN!
    One of my favorite retirement activities.

    What a long, strange trip its been.

  16. Happy Turkey Day Everybody!
    We got blue sky and sunshine over Cleveburg today… wherever you are may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the wind be always at your back and enjoy the seconds and pass the pie please!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I’m sitting here eating crackers and watching reruns of Rosanne, which should tell you about my day. Heck, I may even watch the Cowboys game, something I haven’t done in years. Be thankful for your family. Even if they’re nuts, you will miss them when they’re gone.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving to our IOTWReport.com family!

    Something old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6l9ea_1QD8

    Something new: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwaxNPY5nIY&t=176s

    “I’ve got plenty to be thankful for!”

    I think roasted turkeys are pretty table decorations, but I’d be happy to pour the gravy over cornbread and oyster dressing, and have a slice of pumpkin pie, and leave it right there. Oh, and cranberries. Gotta have cranberry jelly!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving to all those who understand the importance of giving thanks. On this day in 1973, I was pulling KP duty at Lackland AFB during day six of basic training. It was actually a great experience and taught me respect for those who work preparing food for others and for the taxpayers who paid for it.


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