Happy Thanksgiving Day – IOTW Report

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is this week: Family get togethers – large or small, praying, eating, watching/playing sports, and napping off the turkey!

Images from:

1 Eugenia (One-eyed Molly)
3 Bcattin (the Odd Couple – Ibis sharing a very small Mangrove Tree with an Osprey)
4 maryd (This little guy was enjoying a pumpkin snack from the Halloween jack-o-lantern.)
5 Sturge
6 Conservative Cowgirl
7 McFartus (Rhonda)
8 Reiuxcat
9 Eugenia (Abra’s babies)
10 Dee (Missy)

The rest of the images are courtesy of pixabay.com

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Please do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

Critter pictures needed:
Strange looks from critters


11 Comments on Happy Thanksgiving Day

  1. We had a squirrel somehow get into the house yesterday, my cat evidently had been patiently stalking it under the couch in my front room when I noticed the cat chasing very fast behind a squirrel all over the house with the dog trying to get involved as well chasing both of them. I’ve never seen my cat Finn move that fast, fortunately we were able to shoo the squirrel outside thru the back door. It’s never a dull moment around here with all the squirrels we have living in our neighborhood. We’ve got a regular menagerie around here of squirrels, I even had a couple of chipmunks underneath my back deck a few years ago, skunks, racoons, a small covey of quail occasionally living in the alley behind my house, lots of crows in the Spring and Summer hanging around my bird bath and even a moose walking down the street next to my house a few yrs. ago in January, we live fairly close to the Spokane River within a mile or so maybe that’s why we have a lot of critters around here. And my neighbors down the street had some chickens in their back yard until recently but no roosters fortunately. I’m also becoming probably the crazy old guy in the neighborhood with all the birds I feed in my bird feeders during the Spring and Summer. I’m no St. Francis but sometimes I get along with animals better than I do people.


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