Images from:
1) Bayouwulf (Penny Lane Valentine) February 14th will mark the tenth anniversary of Penny’s adoption. I can’t believe how fast time has flown. There must be something that happens with the time/space continuum that accelerates when a person reaches RETIREMENT! Penny still has the heart and energy of a younger pup.
2) Buster Brown (Lola) A little long haired dachshund.
3) Mr. Horsefly (Bonita) My Rat Terrier who is very fond of anything I eat, especially Italian Sausage with green peppers moistened with Au Jus …Very very happy happy.
4) Marco (Miguel and Frankie) Daughter’s cat and dog.
5) TheMule (Leilah and Jasper) Two of the ugliest ferrets I’ve ever owned, but likable enough. Leilah is 18 and Jasper is 11.
6) Old Guy (Violet and Verbena) in their favorite window.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
2-16 I See Something – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – Your critters looking at you, another critter, or stalking their prey!
2-23 Who Am I? – Who does your critter look like?
3-2 Guard Critters – Are your critters protective of your home? Do you have wild critters protective of their homes or babies?
Thanks for your submissions to our Critter Posts, contributors!
Thank you Claudia. Always a great way to start the week. God bless.
my fav sunday event…….. loved them ALL
I think I’m beginning to understand “The Puppy Bowl.”
My heart explodes with happiness seeing these cuties.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!
“TheMule (Leilah and Jasper) Two of the ugliest ferrets I’ve ever owned”
…you must have owned some wonderful cats then, because THESE two are perfectly beautiful little fur babies and I suspect you know it as well as WE do, youre just being humble (or curmudgeonly) on their behalf.
And you MUST take VERY good care of them, that they got to such an advanced age in such great shape. I would say youve been a blessing to each other for a long time, and may they bless you and you bless them still for many years to come…
Nothing I can add – wonderful critters!
Thanks, Claudia!
I love how Miguel and Frankie are comfortable with each other in their critter lounge!
Happy Sunday and Happy Valentines Day to everyone. Thank you Claudia!
I’m in love with Penny Lane and her adorable little underbite. She’s giving you the look of love. Nothing like that gaze from a sweet little pup.
My daughter’s feline, Miguel, and her canine, Frankie, were both adopted years apart from animal rescue centers in Southern California. They are almost inseparable, and everybody thinks they are the real Odd Couple. When they chase one another around the room it’s simply hilarious. Redmond and Simon chase cats, and would never think of sleeping on the same bed with a scaredy-cat. Where would we be without our animal companions? They are more entertaining and enjoyable than half the strangers you meet in saloons.
TY Claudia❤Love our Critters!!!!
So cute! And look at that underbite.:)
@riverlife_callie, Penny doesn’t actually have an underbite but rather, a single lower canine tooth that has a pronounced downward tilt that the left tooth doesn’t have. I call it her Unicorn tooth! LOL!