steak / tofu
Harley / electric scooter
Trump sticker / COEXIST sticker
goes to work / goes to demonstration
bourbon / cannabis
Hate to be cynical but if you included a win- loss column we are screwed.
^^^ I did not write that
\how nice- having a copycat troll
Nice false dichotomy — designed to divide and conquer Americans.
Who exactly defends, WITH ACTIONS, the list on the left ??
I’m still waiting for that full repeal of Obozocare………
The truth is it has been Us v Them, since the 1960s, maybe 1950s.
(Who’s getting richer and who is being impoverished?)
I have read several leftists claim that the idea of progressives wanting abortion up until birth is a conspiracy theory of the right. I guess they don’t pay attention.
I’d vote for retroactive abortion up until age congress.
@ Cmn¢¢guy JULY 18, 2022 AT 10:43 AM
That’s just a very late term abortion. Good up to 1020 months. If you can make it to 82 as a lefty, you get a pass.
The majority of the items on the Republican side of that equation can be attributed to one man and one man only. That man is Donald J. Trump.
The Republican party cannot be counted on to oppose the progressive left. The corruption is too total and complete.
I’ll be holding my nose as I pull the election lever this fall. I don’t have any other choice.
You have the Choice(TM). Of Voting(TM). For whoever swear their Sacred(TM) honor. To the empty Party throne. To be “counted” by The Party.
Bless your heart.
@fnuck — Serious question: At what level of corruption of the elections would it be the proper thing to do to refuse to participate in the fraud? I.E. not voting because voting is a sham way to insist the “winner” had a “mandate” to govern however the hell he wants?
Put criminals in jail vs Let criminals walk the streets (and commit more crimes).
If only the Republicans would actually believe and ACT on those principles.
@Uncle Al July 18, 2022 at 11:30 am
> Serious question: At what level of corruption of the elections would it be the proper thing to do to refuse to participate in the fraud?
To be allowed on The Party’s list, of Acceptable(TM) voters. Requires agreeing that you will support whatever The Party seats, on The Party’s throne. And support it’s acts as your own. As your Representative(TM).
It’s a beautifully binary question. There is no analog grey.
@fnuck — I’m very much aware that ballot access is a major piece of uniparty’s monopoly control of elections. What you say is true but doesn’t answer my question: At what point, if ever, is if the proper thing to do to stop voting?
“Just because the game’s fixed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play.”
It’s always possible that some ballot drop boxes will spontaneously combust.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
what a bunch of bs. 95% of the rinos in congress have NO intention of implementing ANY of those policies. i haven’t forgotten the dozens of times they talked about doin g away with obamacare, securing the border, balancing the budget and then when they had the power…bupkus. nada. crickets. and NOW the MOTHERFUCKERS give that pos occupying the white house a gun control win. i have to stop i’m getting more and more pissed by the minute
Ya! Dat’s a keeper!
Nicely done, short and to the point.
I’ll take minor exception to DEFEND POLICE. I’m not as supportive of them as I used to be.
Adore Fauci / Abhor Fauci
Goodness/Evil, Light/Darkness, Chocolate/Dog Shit…
steak / tofu
Harley / electric scooter
Trump sticker / COEXIST sticker
goes to work / goes to demonstration
bourbon / cannabis
Hate to be cynical but if you included a win- loss column we are screwed.
^^^ I did not write that
\how nice- having a copycat troll
Nice false dichotomy — designed to divide and conquer Americans.
Who exactly defends, WITH ACTIONS, the list on the left ??
I’m still waiting for that full repeal of Obozocare………
The truth is it has been Us v Them, since the 1960s, maybe 1950s.
(Who’s getting richer and who is being impoverished?)
I have read several leftists claim that the idea of progressives wanting abortion up until birth is a conspiracy theory of the right. I guess they don’t pay attention.
I’d vote for retroactive abortion up until age congress.
@ Cmn¢¢guy JULY 18, 2022 AT 10:43 AM
That’s just a very late term abortion. Good up to 1020 months. If you can make it to 82 as a lefty, you get a pass.
The majority of the items on the Republican side of that equation can be attributed to one man and one man only. That man is Donald J. Trump.
The Republican party cannot be counted on to oppose the progressive left. The corruption is too total and complete.
I’ll be holding my nose as I pull the election lever this fall. I don’t have any other choice.
You have the Choice(TM). Of Voting(TM). For whoever swear their Sacred(TM) honor. To the empty Party throne. To be “counted” by The Party.
Bless your heart.
@fnuck — Serious question: At what level of corruption of the elections would it be the proper thing to do to refuse to participate in the fraud? I.E. not voting because voting is a sham way to insist the “winner” had a “mandate” to govern however the hell he wants?
Put criminals in jail vs Let criminals walk the streets (and commit more crimes).
If only the Republicans would actually believe and ACT on those principles.
@Uncle Al July 18, 2022 at 11:30 am
> Serious question: At what level of corruption of the elections would it be the proper thing to do to refuse to participate in the fraud?
To be allowed on The Party’s list, of Acceptable(TM) voters. Requires agreeing that you will support whatever The Party seats, on The Party’s throne. And support it’s acts as your own. As your Representative(TM).
It’s a beautifully binary question. There is no analog grey.
@fnuck — I’m very much aware that ballot access is a major piece of uniparty’s monopoly control of elections. What you say is true but doesn’t answer my question: At what point, if ever, is if the proper thing to do to stop voting?
“Just because the game’s fixed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play.”
It’s always possible that some ballot drop boxes will spontaneously combust.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
what a bunch of bs. 95% of the rinos in congress have NO intention of implementing ANY of those policies. i haven’t forgotten the dozens of times they talked about doin g away with obamacare, securing the border, balancing the budget and then when they had the power…bupkus. nada. crickets. and NOW the MOTHERFUCKERS give that pos occupying the white house a gun control win. i have to stop i’m getting more and more pissed by the minute
no bail / no bail required