Harris Campaign Accuses Those Finding Fault with Walz’s Military Record of “Swiftboating” – IOTW Report

Harris Campaign Accuses Those Finding Fault with Walz’s Military Record of “Swiftboating”

WHYY (Philidelphia PBS)

Attacking an opponent’s military service has a short history in presidential campaigns – the verb “swiftboat” dates back only 20 years, when George W. Bush’s campaign attacked combat-decorated John Kerry’s military service in Vietnam, which might have seemed risky since Bush avoided serving there. Donald Trump, who also avoided going to Vietnam, took the tactic to another level, attacking his GOP critic John McCain’s storied status as a POW. Now, Harris supporters are claiming that Vance is trying to “swiftboat” Walz, and even pointing to a member of the Bush-era campaign who is now working for Trump.

Veterans groups are generally keeping out of the fray; many veterans service organizations are on record praising the choice of two enlisted military veterans as vice-presidential nominees. More

I refute the “Swiftboating” accusation and the assertion that veterans have avoided the “fray” with this letter. Here

Stolen valor is one thing, “pussing out” when your country deploys your unit aboard, as former Minnesota National Guardsman J.R. Salzman declares of people who did as Walz when duty called, is a different matter entirely. – Dr. Tar

15 Comments on Harris Campaign Accuses Those Finding Fault with Walz’s Military Record of “Swiftboating”

  1. Walz has a propensity to act shamefully.
    Stolen Valor is shameful.
    Quitting the National Guard before being deployed, Cowardice.
    Not caring for your Mother after her surgery. Shameful.
    Admitted Socialist/Marxist; Anti-American, treasonous.

  2. They’re flailing. Campaign will quickly turn into a Bohemian Goat fuck. Popcorn is hard to find. Trump stands selling out of hats and other paraphernalia.

  3. Walz is such a fool on top of being dishonest. Making E-8 isn’t easy and he had to have been at least somewhat on the ball to make that grade. Then foolishly he can’t be satisfied with that (which is pretty good campaigning material) and then goes on to lie about something that we vets tend to be very, very touchy about.

    Lying asshole cowardly fool.

  4. I’m normally kind of a genteel guy, but as much trash as possible should be heaped on Harris and Walz. In fact, if there is anything legally actionable against either or both, lawsuits or criminal charges should be filed.

    This is something the Democrats started, and I’m fine with it despite the media starting to call for “unity” and “civil discourse.” Fuck ’em and the media too.

  5. Kerry is a traitor – he sat down in Paris defending North Vietnam – and lied.
    The Clintons sold our missile telemetry to the ChiComms (Buddhist Temple, anyone?).
    Apparently Walz is too.
    Joe Biden.
    Barky Obola.
    Kamel-Ho Harris.

    Seems to be a common thread … over decades … not a recent development.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. ICYMI: John Kerry spent 4 months in Viet Nam because he thought it would look good on his resume when he ran for office. He had a bodyguard and a photographer with him at all times. He recommended himself for three Purple Hearts to get out of the service. Not one “wound” required so much as a band aid. He got one for getting some kernels of rice stuck in his ass when he threw a grenade into a pile of rice bags. He cost a lot of good soldiers their lives with his treachery at the Winter Soldier show.


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