Harrison Ford Gives Himself a “Big D” in Religion – IOTW Report

Harrison Ford Gives Himself a “Big D” in Religion

Fox News

Asked about his philosophy in life, movie star Harrison Ford said this week that he was “raised a Democrat” and “my moral purpose was being a Democrat.” 

The Indiana Jones actor talked to the Hollywood Reporter about politics and religion, saying that as a younger man, “I didn’t have any religious construct, but I think nature and God are the same thing.” 

The interviewer noted that “one of your majors in college was philosophy” and wondered, “Has any of that stayed with you?” 

Ford responded with a long answer weaving in religion and politics: “There’s a Protestant theologian named Paul Tillich who wrote that if you have trouble with the word ‘God,’ take whatever is central and most meaningful to your life and call that God.” 

He then volunteered, “My mother was Jewish, my father was Catholic, and I was raised Democrat — my moral purpose was being a Democrat with the big D.” Admission

Big “G” is not impressed with your “Big D,” Mr. Ford. – Dr. Tar

25 Comments on Harrison Ford Gives Himself a “Big D” in Religion

  1. “There’s a Protestant theologian named Paul Tillich who wrote that if you have trouble with the word ‘God,’ take whatever is central and most meaningful to your life and call that God.”

    And that explains so much about why the world is as fucked up as it is right now, doesn’t it? That’s absolutely horrifying and self-indulgent if you really think it through.

  2. Just remember what this doddering dick weed does for a living. Pretending to be someone he is not and reciting lines written by someone else and astonishingly is paid millions to do this. Not one real lasting accomplishment. His opinions are worthless. Same goes for the rest of the wack job Hollywood commie douche bags.

  3. …”if you have trouble with the word ‘God,’ take whatever is central and most meaningful to your life and call that God.”
    That’s exactly what happens to people that have as a primary purpose anything other than the true God. Sports become their god, or their job does, financial security, popularity, fitness level, Whatever.

    In scripture, it’s referred to as idolatry.

  4. “There’s a Protestant theologian named Paul Tillich who wrote that if you have trouble with the word ‘God,’ take whatever is central and most meaningful to your life and call that God.”

    Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”

    There are no equals beside Him, either.

    This is both Jewish AND catholic.

    You have failed in light of both religions.

    Protestant theologian Paul Tillich has led you astray.

    Protestant theologian Paul Tillich will pay his price for what he’s done.

    You, on the other hand, still have a chance at getting right with the one and only almighty creator of you and the rest of the universe – God.

    I know many people who have made their own fluffy God of comfort. Invariably they start of with something like: Well, MY God isn’t like the one in the Bible (fill in their particular thing they want to be true – many include denying Jesus).

    2 Timothy 4.For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

    Mr Ford has itching ears and does not want sound doctrine and truth.

  5. Ford is a pantheist/pagan. A foolish man who’s amoral code does not hold any accountability to the True and Living God.
    Instead, self absorbed Ford worships God’s creation while denying God’s divinity and authority over ALL things that exist.

    Ford, a typical Hollywierd cultist is a perfect example of the scripture;
    “The fool has said in his heart,
    “There is no God.”
    They are corrupt,
    They have done abominable works,
    There is none who does good.” Psalm 14:1.

    It’s also sad and ironic, so many Jewish people like Ford don’t have a clue that Christ/Messiah came to Earth as a Jew to save mankind from a doomed eternity. Ford has absolutely no understanding of that awesome concept. Obviously, wisdom doesn’t always come with age.

  6. “my moral purpose was being a Democrat.”

    He meant to say “my immoral purpose was being a Democrat.” His philosophy in life is also agnostic or atheism – same difference. I have no use for people like him – that would be all of Gollywood.

  7. God created man to worship him. When man rejects God, he must worship something; himself, money, work, power, sports, sloth, creation, entertainment, etc.

    What he is ultimately worshiping is Satan, for he uses just enough of God’s truth to feed his lie that God really didn’t mean what he says.

    Dadof4 and 99th Squad Leader, AMEN!

  8. Fuck You Ham Solo!

    I’m Catholic.
    My wife is Jewish.

    Religion had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

  9. “my moral purpose was being a Democrat.”

    That’s a certified oxymoron.
    To be a democrat, you’d have to have no morals, no basic human decency, and have to have no understanding to basic math, economy, and history.

    “but I think nature and God are the same thing.”
    No wonder, you’re a democrat.
    Nature is a word some humans use when they can’t explain things. Everything around you is controlled by God.

  10. …what WOULD Democrat heaven look like? Heaps and piles of the vainglorious dead, eternally fighting over who gets to sit in the throne? Bands of angels constantly at war with each other? Enclaves of hate-filled wraiths separated in the Elysian Fields by the color skin they wore when alive? Whoever is god that day judging the incoming by the color of their skin and their declared sex with bonus points given for brutalizing the unwoke? New souls sent on gossamer yoyo strings directly to abortion mills so the seraphim can chortle at the agony of the baby as its ripped apart? Cherubs buggering each other on tanished streets of gold?

    …Han Creepo is getting up there in years. Just what reward does he think his faith in the Democrat Party is going to have for his discorporated soul?

    …most people have SOME idea of divinity in the afterlife.

    His only faith seems to be in faithless men.

  11. @Harry
    If my comment triggered you with facts. Leave, go to some liberal cesspool where low IQ leftist trolls like you hang. That’s the echo chamber you belong to.


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