Harrison Ford under FAA investigation after making error while operating plane on runway – IOTW Report

Harrison Ford under FAA investigation after making error while operating plane on runway

FOX- Harrison Ford is being investigated for making an error while operating a plane this week in California, according to a report.

A rep for the actor, who is an avid flyer, confirmed to Fox News that he was involved in a “runway incursion” at the Hawthrone Airport in Southern California on April 24.

“Mr. Ford crossed the airport’s only runway in his aircraft after he misheard a radio instruction from ATC. He immediately acknowledged the mistake and apologized to ATC for the error,” the rep shared in a statement. “The purpose of the flight was to maintain currency and proficiency in the aircraft.”

The rep confirmed no one was injured and there was “never any danger of a collision.”

According to airport audio obtained by TMZ, Ford, 77, failed to follow a tower operator’s direction to “hold short” on the runway due to “traffic” as he operated the aircraft from the runway to the taxiway. more

Here’s one from 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=VUsWL8d9d1A&feature=emb_logo.

33 Comments on Harrison Ford under FAA investigation after making error while operating plane on runway

  1. He’s Harrison Fucking Ford, so FAA gives him a pass every time. Anyone else would have at the very least, had their license suspended after the last incident, and revoked after this incident. Hopefully, when he eventually kills himself he doesn’t take anyone with him. Also, “Avid Flyer” does not mean “good pilot”.

  2. Not the first time he has had some flying/procedure issues.
    2017 – too close
    2015 – crash
    2000 – left runway
    1999 as student learning helicopter.

    and this one – 2020.

    source- Airsafe.org

  3. I feel so bad for pilots who get out of the cockpit with their terrorized Service dogs. Then they get their white canes chopped up by the propeller. Some of those guys need more training.

  4. Ford said, “what’s all the FLAP about? I’m a great pilot; I just get in there and WING it. Hey, I gotta give PROPS to my buds in the FAA.”

    The evidence shows he flies his planes just like he did the Millenium Falcon; really shitty.

  5. Ford isn’t the only celeb pilot jerk. I heard a story some years ago from a source that suggests it’s true. A Fokker F28, tail number N500WN, was nearing LAS (McCarran, Las Vegas) and when the pilot was told by ATC that there was a lot of traffic and that there would be a delay in landing, he declared a fuel emergency. The plane got priority of course, and everybody else in the sky had to wait a little longer to land.

    After N500WN was on the ground heading for the FBO, the pilot thanked the tower by saying, “Danke Schoen”.

    (The last two letters of the tail number are the other clue. Evidently somebody was running late for curtain time.)

  6. @MJA – the worst indignity was that they wouldn’t let him play through! 🙂

    A friend has a business located in the Camarillo airport complex, about an hour’s drive from Santa Monica. He frequents a particular restaurant that is on the airport tarmac, where a lot of visiting flyers stop for lunch. Harrison Ford and his buddies are regulars, used to be at least once a week, with several helicopters making the flight from Santa Monica airport. Mr. Environmentalist!

  7. The worst thing I ever did was leave a seat buckle dangling out the passenger side door.

    Tower pointed it out.

    I’ve never lived that down. How Ford can even look at himself in the mirror is beyond me.

  8. “…He immediately acknowledged the mistake and apologized to ATC for the error.”

    Spoken like a true self-entitled leftist ass hat!

    If you or I bust regs we loose our license, but the “special people” only need apologize and all is forgiven.

    Ground this narcissistic egoist and five-time pooch-screwer NOW before he kills some poor innocent victim!

  9. @MJA ~ you’re probably correct … ever see interviews w/ this guy? even early on he was a vapid assclown

    I wouldn’t give this guy the keys to a Big Wheel

    … which makes him a perfect fit for Molestin’ Joe … Tweedledumb & Tweedledummer


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