“Harrowing” Video of a Man Saving Dog is Fake AF – IOTW Report

“Harrowing” Video of a Man Saving Dog is Fake AF

First the video-

Now for the proof that the video is fake (besides the obvious ridiculousness that this just “happened to be captured on video, and that the man knows there is a dog tied to the tracks”) –

Look at the shadow of the man when he lays against the berm. See how the shadow remains within the shadow of the train? Shadows don’t work that way in nature. They work that way when you shoot two separate scenes and splice them together. The dog was never in peril. That part was shot without the train. The train part was put in later.

Attention seekers.

Fake news makers.

12 Comments on “Harrowing” Video of a Man Saving Dog is Fake AF

  1. If that were real the dog would have been pulling the rope to get away and whining and barking.
    Not sitting there like a good dog wagging his tail.
    Nice editing job except for the guy’s shadow on the berm.

  2. My son is an engineer with the railroad and he has hit people in cars before. All of them were illegally going around a traffic arm across the road to the tracks. One was a city official driving a Prius, the other was a car loaded down with Mexicans. He also caught the tail end of a car involving two robbery suspects. The license plate and bumper came off and they got caught. BTW, in every incident, my son was taken off the train, pee in a bottle, and wait for the results.

  3. This video should be played with the old Coasters song Along Came Jones in the background. Go Salty Sam go and tie Sweet Sue to the railroad tracks until slow talking, lonely, lanky Jones comes along and rescues her. You just gotta love the sax on this old song from the late 50’s, it’s still a great song from that era 60 plus years later.

  4. Most of these type videos are fake. I do remember the woman and her lawyer walking across the tracks together while a train is hauling ass and blasting it’s horn. The lawyer stops at the last second and the woman walks right in front of the train and gets splattered while flapping her jaws about something. She was in the middle of a divorce. I’ll bet her husband was somewhat pleased with the outcome. It was a shame that the lawyer wasn’t splattered, too. It’s on Youtube.


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