Harry Potter As Religious Text – IOTW Report

Harry Potter As Religious Text

Had enough of being called sinful and reminded of how a wrathful God smites those who deserve it? Sick of all that morality and the constant nagging of hell waiting to swallow you up? Want an easy to read tale that confirms your secular ideals without all that messy obligation to some ancient writings of long dead prophets and saints?

Well, look no further than the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast.


The podcast Here

16 Comments on Harry Potter As Religious Text

  1. Yep, the parents must really think the $40K per year (or more) they paid was sure worth it. I wonder what the author thinks? Hell, she’s a limo liberal now so she probably thinks it’s a grand idea. Having said that, who the hell cares.

  2. There is no god they repeat, and ridicule those that do believe. They site science and logic, then suggest you should believe in wizzards, warlocks and goblins. Got it.

  3. Lightening Bolt: symbol of Lucifer falling from heaven.

    Ever notice how OFTEN the lightening bolt seems to slip into pop-culture for no apparent reason?

    Keep your eyes open, it’s there, it’s always there.

  4. Hey, if we allow folks to call the playbook for organized crime a religion, then why not this?
    I’m speaking of the koran obviously.
    Or what about the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code? It has a ridiculous amount of “shall’s” and “shall not’s”!

  5. There is a book for sale on Amazon:

    Harry Potter and the Gospel of Christ published Apr 11, 2011
    by Ray Eichenberger Kindle ($ 3.99)

    The Christian’s Guide to Harry Potter published Jul 13, 2012
    by Leslie Barnhart

    and a whole bunch of others.

    Me – as a pastor view this pretty much as a stretch to make your faith fit in and generally a false teaching.

  6. Sometimes a movie is just a movie, and a book is just a book.
    In more refined literature, plot and characterization may serve to produce a deeper effect. Allegory and metaphor may reference mythical or Biblical themes, and elevate a good story to serious Literature.
    See Melville’s whale epic, and Steinbeck’s “East of Eden” for example.
    “The Once and Future King”, by TH White resonates on several levels.

  7. Funny how the unGodly feel compelled to compete with the Holy Bible. A book inspired and created by the True and Living God they deny exists.
    According to the Holy Bible it’s not a good thing for anyone, particularly Christians to follow doctrines of demons, aka Harry Potter;
    I Timothy 4:
    1 “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
    2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”

  8. Hey, when they get their “news” from the Comedy Channel, why not get religion from Harry Potter?
    It’s a one-stop shop. Get everything you need from Amazon and Hollywood with just a click on the computer!
    Put yer hand on the Computer and say Amen – and don’t fergit to bow to Jeff Bald Bezos while yer at it!

  9. Atheists still searching for meaning and trying to find it in Pop Culture.
    Harry Potter.
    Star Wars’ pseudomystical Jedi gibberish.
    Multicult unicorn Lefty New Age nonsense.
    Global Warming.

    All the same unfulfilling atheist “magical thinking “.

  10. Honestly guys, I think the whole little boys fiasco, kinda got a few folks soured.
    That and the bit about how “Jonah and the Whale”, “Adam and Eve”, “Moses” and virtually every other story equals “We need more money for GOD”.
    I know because I’ve tried a stupid number of churches and they all let me down. To a T, each and every one is run as a store front meant to launder money for their respective Bishop. And bad as it is, that non-dom that people love to bash was excellent, I only stopped attending cuz i moved. Every reading was about teaching and not a word about money.

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