Harry Reid, Saggy Bag of Garbage Truck Juice, Advocated Giving Donald Trump Fake Intelligence Briefings – IOTW Report

Harry Reid, Saggy Bag of Garbage Truck Juice, Advocated Giving Donald Trump Fake Intelligence Briefings

What a sack of excrement.

This is a sitting senator telling the CIA to treat Donald Trump like an idiot.

When it’s pointed out that he’s advocating that the CIA lie he says, “it’s not lying.”

“It’s just not telling him everything.”

24 Comments on Harry Reid, Saggy Bag of Garbage Truck Juice, Advocated Giving Donald Trump Fake Intelligence Briefings

  1. Everyone that has ever voted for him should be forced to get a workout session on the same machine that hairy reed got his workout on. If they voted twice….well I guess that would be two sessions.

  2. “it’s not lying.”
    “It’s just not telling him everything.”

    … ya know … just like they do w/ Obama … or Kerry … or Clinton … or Pelosi … or me … or ….

    what a shit weasel the people of Nevada have elected year after year after year after year

  3. Well, there ya have it….the democratic party has effectually declared it the year of the stroke, the year of the seizure, the year of the beating, the year of falling down like a squirrel turd, the year of putting lemon curd in your shorts…..they have now lost any respect….

  4. Considering that politicians in this country don’t legally have to tell the truth (except in court), I’m not surprised.

    People like Reed are just the tip of the iceberg. We have a very sick government.

  5. A Nevada DA wants to know why the DOJ seems to be stonewalling an investigation into a $2 million bribe collected by dingy Harry.


    And Judicial Watch has the scoop on other shady deals with Reid that supposedly hastened his retirement (I’m with you guys that his brother (or the mob) opened an industrial sized can o’ whup-ass on him which hastened his retirement):


  6. I know from first-hand experience what garbage truck juice is – I’ve worked on a few with maggots falling off into the pool of stench that drips off of them. And I’m here to tell you Harry Reid is a garbage truck – without the truck – just the stinking juice and the maggots.
    It will be a joyful day when Harry Reid is called home by the devil.

  7. @Jimmy
    “We have a very sick government.”

    The healing begins January 20, 2017, as per the prescription issued by ‘Dr.’ Donald J. Trump and his merry band of fellow ‘physicians’!

  8. But Whorehouse Harry considers himself “special” (and I mean that in the Short Bus way) and above the law and its consequences.
    Whorehouse Harry—– another data point that Libtardism is a mental disease.

  9. Reid hates the American people–or at least completely lacks any care for them–is what I get out of this. He cares more for screwing over someone he doesn’t like than the fallout consequences of that treatment on an entire nation.

    I already disliked this man **intensely**, this brings me close to hate. I hold back on it not because out damages him, but because it takes too much from me.

    I do wish for his karma to make itself known pretty soon, however.

  10. One day the language of Men will change.
    Old terms will wash up on the shore of human consciousness to lay in the sun for a while, then they wash away to be replaced by other, newer terms that fit the usage more perfectly for the users.
    Take the term: dingleberry.
    One day in the future this term will be supplanted by the term: Harry Ried.

  11. @OldGal46 December 13, 2016 at 5:16 am

    > The healing begins January 20, 2017, as per the prescription issued by ‘Dr.’ Donald J. Trump and his merry band of fellow ‘physicians’!

    That’s the triage. The American people don’t want to “suffer” the treatment to actually cure the disease.

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