Harsh Code Word For Dead Bodies At Astroworld Tragedy – IOTW Report

Harsh Code Word For Dead Bodies At Astroworld Tragedy

16 Comments on Harsh Code Word For Dead Bodies At Astroworld Tragedy

  1. A video showing at least two people climbed a ladder to go onstage to alert a guy who was videoing the rapper, pleading with him to let someone know to stop the concert. The guy heard them but just shrugged and went back to his camera. In the midst of — how many? — at least five who were dying/dead, the concert went on another half hour with no breaks. Several who were there described the entire scene as “demonic”.

    “It Was Demonic” – AstroWorld Concert-Goers Claim Show That Killed 8 People Was Like a Satanic Ritual (Video)”

    The young guy speaking in the video said that was enough for him to swear off this kind of music and concerts.

  2. This ain’t no joke, you don’t want to have everyone hearing you what you have on an open frequency, or even in an open area.

    One of my earlier fires I was outside the back of the building when the interior crew found a guy down inside, and the lieutenant who was rear command told me he wanted me to get another guy to back them if there was an issue. I ran over to staging and got my buddy, but chose to tell him “you need to come in the back with me NOW, we’ve got a victim!”. I wasn’t exactly stage whispering either, what with the sirens and diesel engines and roaring fire and all, but I was also too new and too tunnel visioned to realize that his family was RIGHT OVER THERE NEXT TO THE STAGING AREA. I ran back around with my buddy as they bucked the guy out, kinda burned and kinda drown since he chose to fight the fire, got trapped in a bathroom, and in extremis tried to escape by jumping in the tub and pulling the water up over his head, but dead withal, although we surely tried to work him for awhile. Unbenownst to ME, the Incident Commander was now dealing with a VERY excited and vocal bunch of folks that my rash statement had set up, to the point that they had to be restrained from charging around themselves by some other guys in staging and by our cops, which isn’t really what you want to be doing what with fires and death to focus on, not to mention the media is gonna have fun later with videos of the greiving family being threatend with arrest and stuff.

    Needless to say, I had a very unhappy Chief to deal with later on, and got the riot act from him and the AC more or less in interrogation fashion where they took turns telling me how stupid I was from opposite sides of the room, and how I needed to raise my situational awareness AND communications skills, words like that but with a much less mild presentation than I’m giving here.

    This was followed by a general meeting where they held me up as an example of how NOT to handle more delicate communications, and maybe leave out the fact that you’re handling a dying/dead person at all and indicate urgency with stuff like “stat”, “step it up”, “immediately”, and at most what specific asset you needed, as the person does NOT need to know WHY they are needed, just THAT they are needed and with what.

    Properly and fully chasened, I did not make that particular mistake again.

    We could call the County over a VERY public radio system too, but we could *sometimes* discuss more sensitive topics by asking them to “disable the repeater”. This is becasue the folks with scanners wouldn’t hear OUR part of the conversation unless the County rebroadcast it on frequency, but you had to (a) ask for it, and (b) make sure they DID it. You could have your pager on to see if you could hear YOU to verify this, if needed, but it kind of put the onus on THEM to handle it properly if they told you “Repeater is disabled” either way. You’d use this for phone numbers, specific patient information for hospitals, police request, etc., but you’d have to remain cognizant of the fact that everyone could still hear THEM, so their RESPONSES were limited.

    This was all before texting, cell phones, Computer Aided Dispatching, none of THAT stuff existed, so you had to figure it out.

    …all that said, “SMURF” is probably a wrong word for a couple of reasons. Yes, I’m sure it’s meant as a reference to (White) dudes who are not breathing turning blue, but for one thing that’s pretty obvious to just about EVERYONE in earshot, and also because “Smurfing” is an euphamism for going from one drug store to another to another to buy common medications that can be used to produce methanphetamine, going to different stores because no one of them would sell you the volume you need to actually produce a marketable quantity of illicit drugs.


    …and in our modern times, probably EVERY ‘Code Word” you could possibly use is offensive. One word we used for dire situations in both training and IRL emergencies was “Snowball” if the SHTF and you needed everyone to focus on a particular problem/area NOW. The reasoning I was given for that was that it was kind of a black humor thing meaning “You don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell”.

    So now, Snow = White = Rayciss, and also BLACK humor = Rayciss, and also hell = Christian = Rayciss, and humor = Leftist hate it = Rayciss, so you probably couldn’t do that now.

    Best to just ask for what you want, remain aware that you’re on a party line at all times, and don’t say ahything about WHY you want what you want, using standard phrases to convey urgency but not give grotty details.

    Everyone will be happier that way, beleive me…

  3. Also, not sure it’s really in the purview of casually hired, very temporary event staff to go around declaring people “dead”. People may be severely injured and not breathing, but still salvageable with early, aggressive intervention. No, you’re “security guard” probably isn’t trained in CPR or anything and some situations may make that dangerous anyway, but if he goes around deciding people are dead, that’s going to color response times and priorities from other personnel, who are likely to treat it as triage and move on to someone “less dead”, even though a proper patient assessment was never done.

    And that’s going to turn up in court. When the family’s lawyer asks during the civil suit “how did you make the determination he was dead?”, your lawyer will be face-palming like a Rittenhouse prosecutor because you just lost.

    Were I in charge of event security, I would tell my folks to never assume someone is dead unless they are in pieces, or missing something major, like a head.

    Otherwise, error on the side of life and let the medical personnel do the triage.

    Your lawyer will thank you.

    And so too may the patient, if it turns out they CAN be saved…

  4. …and as a side note, if you’re security guy happens to be White and declares someone who happens to be Black dead, and they find out on autopsy that they survived the initial trauma, you’re going to have worse problems than a lawsuit on your hands…

  5. Smurfing is also a money laundering scheme, and “Smurfs” are also addicts sent out to buy various ingredients for bathroom chemists to make illegal drugs, bypassing the limit requirements for purchase by an individual.
    They tend to be an off shade due to their lifestyle.

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