Harvard Announces 100% Virtual Classes For Students Both On and Off Campus – ICE Announces Exchange Students No Longer Qualify For Visas – IOTW Report

Harvard Announces 100% Virtual Classes For Students Both On and Off Campus – ICE Announces Exchange Students No Longer Qualify For Visas


CTH: Earlier today Harvard University announced all classes this year and next will be taught virtually.  Incoming Freshman will have dorms, but no classes will have in-person instruction; all classes will be virtual.  The total student body on campus will be kept under a forty percent threshold due to COVID-19 efforts.

MASSACHUSETTS – “In addition to freshmen, Harvard will host as many students who “must be on campus to progress academically” this fall as it can without exceeding the 40 percent threshold. All courses will be taught virtually for students both on and off campus.”

Additionally, Harvard will not be making any adjustments to their tuition rates.

A few hours later U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced any foreign student who attends a U.S. university with only virtual classes will lose their student visa. more

12 Comments on Harvard Announces 100% Virtual Classes For Students Both On and Off Campus – ICE Announces Exchange Students No Longer Qualify For Visas

  1. & every parental unit & every student loan recipient will pony up the $50k, because they want their little Nimrods to get a degree from Haaaaaaaa vaaaad

    “oh, the prestige of graduating from one of the most expensive places to graduate from”

    did you learn anything? …. “yes, anyone that doesn’t agree with me must be stabbed, repeatedly, in the face! … my life means so much more than yours … why can’t you appreciate that?”

  2. The University of Utah here promised that all in-person classes in the Fall would meet social distancing requirements. They are now realizing that they don’t have enough classroom space at less than 30% capacity, even running sections 15 hours a day (and good luck finding qualified faculty to teach all those sections).

    The biggest problem for technical majors is how to manage lab time. You cannot do lab time virtually, at least not without adding great expense to the student.

    I don’t know what will happen to athletics and performance arts.

    The upside is that sending the foreign students home, in addition to the reduction in worker visas, will open up the job market for my boys, both engineers (well, the youngest should be by December, assuming the U of U figures things out).

  3. 1) For shame
    2) Harvard is full of lefties

    Just Curious, What about WEST POINT & ANNAPOLIS?
    Those are the important ones.

  4. Given the fact the Liberal Left has pushed and championed Virtual Classrooms, so can’t object to it without being hypocrites.

    Plus given the increasing number of disruptive influences that have used and abused the Student Visa process. I honestly ask…With reasonable high speed Internet now pretty much in a all major cities worldwide, isn’t it time to cut back on such old fashion dated visa’s?

    eg. I recently read of a Female on a student visa, but was using it to work Teaching classes in Augusta Ga., while enjoying some the much younger teenage Male student population.

  5. Here in Maine we Republicans are really hoping online classes are the way the colleges up here will go.
    Normally the students register to vote and 99.9% vote leftist. Then they go home and vote again.
    So if they aren’t here in state going to school the Dimms lose all those dishonest votes.

  6. Mansfield lovell@

    You should see some of the pathetic designs that Modern Engineers have come up with.
    Poor reliability, serviceability, weak materials, etc.

  7. Kcir – (Trudeau, prime minister blackface 3 times) JULY 7, 2020 AT 9:40 AM
    “Mansfield lovell@

    You should see some of the pathetic designs that Modern Engineers have come up with.
    Poor reliability, serviceability, weak materials, etc.”

    …and I’ve had a good long, PERSONAL look at what modern “medicine” has become even BEFORE COVID, and having been very involved in hospitals for decades, I am disgusted to see what it’s turned into since Obama care drove the old-school docs out…

    ….and then throw IN COVID.

    Doctors, nurses, all this OTHER shit they’ve added ’cause the system doesn’t want to pay actual doctors, like nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, and suchlike, ALL of whom are so seemingly terrified of a seasonal flu that you can’t even go to the ER without being treated like you’re radioactive, or go to your doctor’s office BECAUSE YOU’RE SICK since a person with a fever inspires a panicky lockdown now…

    I mean seriously, if sick people scare you THAT much, WHY THE HELL DID YOU GO INTO MEDICINE?!?!? And they are well-insulated from lawsuits now because COVID locks relatives out that might be able to keep their loved ones from DYING, and if the incompetence DOES kill someone, they just say “COVID” and everyone runs away from the corpse, although they may provide a Democrat coroner of the ilk that rules all the Clinton “friend’s” death a SUICIDE, if you insist…

    …sorry, rant over, I could go on for hours, and have before. Just saying that Democrats ruin EVERYTHING, STEM occupations NOT excepted…

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