Harvard’s Incoming Class, Now With More Minorities – IOTW Report

Harvard’s Incoming Class, Now With More Minorities

Fox News

For the first time in its 380 years of operation, Harvard University will have an incoming freshman class where the majority of students are minorities.

The Ivy League institution confirmed in a statement provided to the Boston Globe on Thursday that 50.8 percent of its class of 2021 are nonwhite. That university has been making concerted efforts in recent years to become a more diverse bastion of higher learning.


Class of 2021 admission statistics Here

23 Comments on Harvard’s Incoming Class, Now With More Minorities

  1. So Harvard now aspires to become a Historically Black College.

    What they are more likely to become is another Evergreen.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  2. If their recruitment was merit based only they would have a much larger percentage of minorities, Asians minorities and I’d prefer that over a forced affirmative action recruitment.

  3. My God, why don’t they really make a statement and adopt a policy that only black, lesbian or transgender females will be granted admission. 50.8% isn’t enough of a minority!

  4. “That university has been making concerted efforts in recent years to become a more diverse bastion of higher learning”

    What does a Graduate from Harvard do for a living? Attorney’s or Politicians. It’s not like they’re MIT. The really bad thing about this is you know for a fact their tuition is coming out of our pockets. We should cut all these Ivy League schools federal funding off.

  5. Showing transcripts is entirely up to you for any job, even POTUS.

    Anyone can say they went to Harvard along the same lines.

    Not much prestige now, is there? You can thank the self-described lazy ex-president.

  6. All the black minorities beat out the asians because they got extra credit for their skin color. This kind of bs makes me sick. My kids got recognized for their grades by Prod for being mixed. You have to be a minority to get the award. My son doesn’t want to do it again because he wants to be awarded amongst Everyone no matter their skin color.

  7. After looking at their stats page I guess white people have no ethnicity. They were just omitted completely.

    Agree with all of the above. I would never send my kid to that school unless I desired a self loathing, America hating, gender confused, liberal/Marxist/progressive, useless, self doubting kid who makes their way back home to live in the basement with thousands of dollars in debt.

  8. HUZZAH! A degree from Harvard just lost about 25% of its respect in the world.

    Now employers will look at a resume with Harvard on it with skepticism and suspicion knowing it was probably not really achieved.

    STANFORD lost its credibility in the ’90s with a ridiculous grading system that made their diploma virtually worthless.

  9. Just bring entire new classes into Cambridge from ‘hood in Boston and get Harvard’s demise over with already. The university will be put out of its misery but at least it will go down fighting the diversity fight and what is really important (besides always fighting that is).

  10. Oh how the mighty have fallen, Rufus is correct the left ruins everything it touches

    The Rules and Precepts of Harvard 1646

    Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisedome, Let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seeke it of him (Prov. 2:3).

    3. Every one shall so exercise himselfe in reading the Scriptures twice a day, that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein, both in Theoreticall observations of Language and Logick, and in practical and spiritual truths, as his Tutor shall require, according to his ability; seeing the entrance of the word giveth light, it giveth understanding to the simple (Psalm 119:130).
    Harvard Divinity School is now a joke of course

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