Harvard is a Joke – IOTW Report

Harvard is a Joke

12 Comments on Harvard is a Joke

  1. It’s worse than a joke, because it’s not funny. It’s a snake pit of fascism, hate, racism, bigotry. fraud and stupidity. It needs to be destroyed no less than the alphabet agencies.

  2. I knew that Harvard was originally created to train knowledgeable clergymen. I also knew that the course of study would be very rigorous, especially compared to today’s dumbed down, truly pathetic standards. I didn’t realize that they had to know / learn at least 5 languages proficiently (including Hebrew, Chaldee / Syriac and Greek for interpreting the oldest biblical manuscripts available – they all had to be fluent in Latin (and English I’m sure) to be admitted in the first place). In addition to learning theology, botany, classic literature and much more, all of this was taught in the space of 3 years and was considered to be the course work for what is now known as “undergraduate” studies.

    The following link notes some of this – here is a brief excerpt:

    Wednesday was Greek day for all classes. First-year men studied etymology and syntax in the forenoon and practiced the rules of grammar in the afternoon; the second class studied prosody and dialects from 9 to 10 a. m., and practiced in “Poesy” after dinner; third year men did likewise in the theory and practice of Greek composition, prose and verse. (5) Thursday was devoted to the “Eastern tongues,” with the theory of Hebrew, Chaldee and Syriac grammar in the morning, and practice in corresponding Bible texts in the afternoon. (6) Friday was given up to rhetoric. All students were taught the principles of rhetoric and were required to practice English composition and once a month declaim.

    The absence of Latin from the entire plan of study is noticeable, and is explained by the fact that students were required to speak Latin in the class-rooms and in the college yard. Latin was the main requirement for admission to Harvard College. The rule was: “When a scholar is able to understand Tully (Cicero) or such like classical Latin author extempore, and make and speak true Latin in verse and prose suo ut aunt Marte, and decline perfectly the paradigm’s of nouns and verbs in the Greek tongue; let him then and not before be capable of admission into the college.”


    370 some odd years later, students at Harvard think men can be women (and vice versa), there is an infinite number of “genders” and anyone with light skin is a colonizer and should be shunned from society if not outright murdered. And most students probably can’t even speak or write English proficiently to a strict standard. How far the mighty have fallen.

  3. Many great institutions turned to shit over the past few centuries – the United States of America among them: some 10 million illegal-alien invading rat-people have invaded since the Retarded Pedophile Usurper usurped the Presidency.
    Even the USMC has embraced faggotry and sex delusions.
    The Catholic Church is headed by Francis the Talking Ass and its upper management populated by fags and Satanic maggots.
    Calvinists, Lutherans, &c. have embraced Satan.

    Seems to be a pattern …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Remind me; how many of our tax dollars go here? Just for the sole purpose of liberals believing they have just cause to call all whites (and a future orange president) evil?

  5. My 17 YO grandson studies Latin in high school. He wants to go to the Air Force Academy, or the US Naval Academy. He likes girls, a lot. He’s replaced the brakes and installed a cold air induction on his dad’s truck. There is still hope.


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