‘Has Anyone Seen Joe?’ – IOTW Report

‘Has Anyone Seen Joe?’

Glenn Greenwald, Others Wonder Why Biden Appears To Be Avoiding The Media.

Daily Caller: Former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has seemingly been quiet in recent days as the coronavirus pandemic has escalated in the U.S.

Biden has largely been out of the public eye since Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate, leading #whereisjoe to trend Friday morning on Twitter. read more

13 Comments on ‘Has Anyone Seen Joe?’

  1. Maybe Joe has Ꭓ disease.

    Ꭓ is the international symbol for:

    Ximoanya (aka XiJinPingYa)
    Chinese virus
    ChiCom Bioweapon
    Wuhan pneumonia
    Bad bat soup disease
    Yet another Chinese virus

    Oh, yeah, and Boomer Remover.

  2. Dementia Joe is busy getting ready to get started to get going to end the debate over his cognitive abilities. He’s resting now, but he will probably be ready to tackle the existential issues that he has been preparing for all his life. Just remember to remind Poor Joey what that word means before he gets up from his nap time. Obiden Bama is going to be less dazed and confused the next time he shows up for one of those electrified town gatherings. Jill, could you dim the lights a little more? It’s hard getting eighteen hours of sleep with all those bright lights shining into the nappy room.

  3. Operation: Silver Alert continues with great success.

    They did the same thing with Hillary. Less exposure means less likelihood of people seeing him molest children, sniffing womens’ hair and speaking gibberish.

    When a statement comes out, it sounds like it’s being broadcast on old time radio.

  4. Joe Dee Mentia has the nomination wrapped up. The DNC will keep him out of the public eye, and more importantly public ear, unless it’s absolutely necessary for him to make a public appearance. He doesn’t have to campaign until the presidential election, so why take the risk.

    In the meantime, that will give the DNC time to focus its resources on organizing a massive anti-Trump campaign – specifically blaming Trump for the China Flu dem-panic.


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