Has Q Anon Been Exposed as an Online Troll/Agitpropist? – IOTW Report

Has Q Anon Been Exposed as an Online Troll/Agitpropist?

Jack Posobiec speaks with Q.

There was a point brought up in this exposé that is very interesting, and it explained a lot about why I never immersed too deeply into the Q phenomenon, even though I could never articulate why.

Firstly, it is very time consuming. But additionally, there is a danger that Q could become a proxy that foments inaction because people begin to believe that there is an agency, a group, a body or a lone white knight that is going to ride onto the scene and take down all of the corruption and power within the government, freeing us from all the heavy lifting.

That’s not going to happen. It’s on us, not Q.

The single most important thing we can do is be part of the red wave of voters that choose the right candidates and ensure that they get into office. Then we monitor them and make sure they are doing our bidding. If they aren’t we remove them, quickly.

Now, I’m not dismissing Q as unimportant. If Q can be a rally point, something that keeps our attention and interest, angers us and keeps us engaged, that is fantastic. But over time, if much of what Q predicts doesn’t happen it can have the opposite effect and cause disinterest, a feeling of futility, and make one feel as if they’re being gaslighted by the enemy, sapping our resources and souls.

In the end it’s up to the individual to calculate Q’s worth and impact.

I’m not here to endorse nor bury Q.

You decide.

H/T Abigail Adams



83 Comments on Has Q Anon Been Exposed as an Online Troll/Agitpropist?

  1. No, he didn’t. Prosobiec (among a small handful of others who) seems to be part of the faux-Right *unexpectedly* attacking Q…just when the critical mass is about to hit the fan*.

    * No, I’m not saying it’s going to happen tomorrow…I don’t know when. I only know Trump is NOT our usual politician and has “sacrificed” (TM Nike) this part of his life to saving America. I elected him to know when is best to do what to whom.


    TO jpm
    He’s been “right” on most of what he’s claimed. “When” is everyone’s guess. Mix in the necessary disinformation, and you’ve got what we see.

    Consider looking at PRAYING MEDIC’s site.

  2. Not a believer,but i am a follower.so, that being said, if you look at the body of work as a whole.
    It’s quite interesting.
    Someone or somebodies are putting a ton of effort into it. And I mean an extraordinary amount of work.
    For malice or for good, I haven’t decided yet.
    I Hope it’s good.

  3. It all reminds me to much of the Ulstermans story and is much harder to follow. Which was all made up.
    I like hard facts not having to guess the meaning of a tweet.

  4. I read it, and keep up with it by going to https://qmap.pub That has the most recent ‘drops’ and also links to most of the 8chan boards, where everything related can be found. I don’t keep up with analysis of the posts.
    I do find it interesting that Posobiec’s posting is not that much different than what Alex Jones (AJ) and Jerome Corsi (JC) have been posting for several months. They were out in the front, again. I don’t believe everything from them either, but I’m just sayin’

  5. I joined Gab several weeks ago and ran into “Microdick” the first week. Microdick is not Pro Trump. He’s Pro MicroDick. He acts like an ill tempered little teenager. If you’re on Gab you can easily find our exchanges. Today is the end of his original 72 hour. Last night he announced he was moving his time line an additional 7 days, and later a month. A stunt he constantly hammers Q on. I jumped his ass and last night he agreed he would stick to his original time line. He has a few hours left.
    I am not a Q fanatic. The value I see in Q is 8chan. If you wonder of there they are one hell of a research group. A ton of good info. Some of it true, some of it not.
    My opinion this Microdick guy is full of shit and as of yet he’s offered no proof that would ruin or hurt the Q group.

  6. The single most important thing we can do is be part of the red wave of voters that choose the right candidates and ensure that they get into office. Then we monitor them and make sure they are doing our bidding. If they aren’t we remove them, quickly.

    Now, I’m not dismissing Q as unimportant. If Q can be a rally point, something that keeps our attention and interest, angers us and keeps us engaged, that is fantastic. But over time, if much of what Q predicts doesn’t happen, it can have the opposite effect and cause disinterest, a feeling of futility and make one feel as if they’re being gaslighted by the enemy, sapping our resources and souls.

    Yah, hey dere, I voted. I’m done. Done ma part. If the dumpster fire keeps burning. I’s dones ma part. I’ll “remove them, quickly” by amblin down to the polls. In a few years. Iffin it’s gits worse.

  7. TO Bad Brad

    That’s sort of what I’m getting at: this is all getting “too close” to the “truth” that the enemy’s (and YES that’s all they are) pulling out all the stops…just to “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” including lies, disinformation, threats and lies.

    WELCOME TO LIFE IN WASHINGTON, D.C.! Par for the course.
    I guess that’s why I have a thicker skin for this sh!t than others….


    TO Pinko
    …translation, please?

  8. I’m busier than three people combined. I want my news straight, I want it timely, I want the truth, and I don’t want to have to wear a decoder ring to figure out what’s being said.

  9. I like the hell out of Q! Is he/she/them real? I don’t know, and I don’t care. Someone is making a hell of an effort to entertain me. I’m frustrated that every week or month is going to be big, and it is never big enough for me.

  10. TO BrownEyedGirl

    You’ll have to wait for days AFTER The Storm.
    Welcome to THE NEW NORMAL…
    (as with living under Communism): NECESSARY to be able to read between the lines.

  11. TO Bad Brad
    1) DUH. (meaning: I AGREE!)
    2) Substitute “MicroDick” with PROSOBIEC in your sentence and it would be equally valid! (see Imperator Rex’s analysis that “Q” – at worst – is a tool of Trump to raise awareness among Americans of the highest crimes perpetrated by (mostly) Democrats.

  12. “Q has been right on most of what he has claimed”

    I rest my case, Czar of confusion can’t list a SINGLE coherent thing “Q” has been right on.

    Not one thing.

    If he has been right on things, then why can’t anybody tell us. “Indictments are coming”

    really? it that it?

    Q babbles. He is incoherent.

  13. jpm, Q has not yet had his 1 year anniversary, won’t be until the end of October. This is a Q post from yesterday, I don’t see anything wrong with this.

    There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
    There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.
    There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something.
    There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.
    There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM.
    There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.
    There was a time when these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, was UNITED.
    There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future.
    There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.
    There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG.
    “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
    It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.

  14. Czar that is the one thing that I do like about Q,he is helping to raise the awareness of many,if Q does no harm that is good but if he turns out to be a fraud what was the point.
    We need things to be crystal clear to all Americans if and when people start getting picked up and put in jail for the crimes against us,we are the government. I hope its all true. I guess its more wait and see.

  15. I got to say, in my opinion you’re all missing the point on Q and there’s only one question we should be asking. Is Q and 8Chan a good source of info. I say yes it is.

  16. TO Geoff/AA (I guess)
    It’s ALL about “raising awarenenss” at this point, since “The Media” is not only NOT doing its Constitutional job, but is aiding and abetting SEDITION & TREASON.

  17. MicroDick just pussed out. He’s got nada. Let the games begin. This will be fun.

    Microchip @Microchip PRO
    a minute ago
    I’ll bring the next phase of pain whenever I want to. There’s nothing that can stop the drops. Just wait until the biggest drop where we’ve been sowing Q into memes for almost two years. You won’t be able to save Q. It’s over.

    This comment was sent under Microchip’s post. View post
    Travis Travers
    Travis Travers @TravisTravers
    The 72 hours is up, no? You ready to bring the pain?

  18. TO Bad Brad
    Looks like the Deep Bad State is petering out*…
    …can’t *wait* for the fireworks to begin!

    (p.s. If you’re ever in D.C. for the 4th of July watch from Iwo Jima – Rosslyn Metro station – or straight to the Mall under the Washington Monnument!)


    * wishful thinnking…in reality, this is only the beginning!

  19. I forgot to add in my post another danger of Q.

    THIS, exactly what we are doing right now.

    When much of Q is shrouded in mystery, sometimes vagueness, we get to fill in the mortar.
    This can lead to infighting and division, as evidenced here.

    That’s not a healthy thing for us.

    I agree that Posobiec, if “he’s known for a long time” that Q is a propagandist, he should have done the article 6 months ago, not with 2 months to go until midterms.
    And maybe I shouldn’t have posted it.

    But, that’s not my style. We are all thinking adults. If there’s a story I post it.

  20. ANYone can claim to be Qanon.
    Since Q is an anonymous source then there is no way of verifying one way or another.



  21. Fur, there’s nothing wrong with posting this (though, I must say you rejected a number of my earlier suggestions based on the premise that it – unlike with FACTUAL posts – would lead to more frustration…which is OK, it’s your site).

    It should NEVER lead to discouragement to voting (yes, I’m sh!tting on those who, years ago, repeated the cliche, “if voting mattered, it would be illegal”) OR division on our side.

    Disagreement, hey: “what’s the best cheap bourbon?” xxxBRAWLxxx = OK

    THINK, yes! But also: be suspicious* as hell! 😮

    * from my growing up knowing those living in East Europe under Communism.


    TO r_c
    That’s what I’ve read as well (a FOREIGN intelligence agency). To be seen…

  22. The danger with Q right now is if someone does manage to take him/it/them down. That would have a big impact on the upcoming election. Expect more attacks. Bottom line, we better all hope Q’s credibility remains un diminished until after November.
    But, it won’t be MicroDick taking him down.

  23. TO VietVet and Bad Brad
    RE: Jeff Sessions

    My my my…. I wish someone who *hasn’t* been banned from CTH would ask Sundunce (who is calling for Sessions to be fired by Trump) why Trump hasn’t done it already (BEFORE the election), since Sundunce is expecting (though he holds out the *possibility* of GOP keeping it…hedging his bets…he’s NO Trump throwing around disinformation!) a win by Democrats in the House…and it doesn’t take a Roads [sic] Scholar like Sundunce’s StellaC*nt to figure out the consequences of that would be.

    Is he suggesting Trump has lost control?!?…*snort* UNLIKELY!

  24. When I looked to see a few “Q proofs” videos on YT they seemed pretty convincing. When I watched the so-called Prosobee video the voice-overs were obvious. Q ain’t hurting anyone, so I won’t lose sleep either way.

  25. TO jim
    Praying Medic has a bunch of videos going through Q posts and analyzing/verifying stuff…too long for me, but worth it for many. Good guy, in any case.

  26. I have been following Q since not long after he started drops. Did research and learned things I would not have known because of that. if nothing else it keeps my old brain working and curious.

  27. This Texan Has Had Enough

    Exactly. And thats how Q should be viewed and used. If you have a big letter Q on your fireplace mantel and pray to it nightly, you might have a problem.

  28. My primary objection to Q is that if was a threat to the swamp, he would have been unmasked. The Cabal can afford the best computer experts in the world to trace Q and attach a name. If he was associated with Trump, they would have made every effort, including WMD’s, to destroy him. If he is a Cabal operative, Trump’s private intelligence would have unmasked him. Trump is willing to use the concept of Q. The Cabal wishes to have us ignore him. I have no idea what the real truth is. Yet.

  29. OK, I don’t follow Q, but he/she/it/they have been around over a year. It should be pretty easy to document any ANY predictions that have come true. Are there any? I’m not necessarily being critical, I honestly want to know.

  30. That Guy who did the anti Q momologue reminds me of the staccato speaking pipsqueek, whose name I always disremember, who keeps looking for relevance. Didn’t know who he is and still don’t.

    As for Q, he’s fun. Do I take everything he posts as dogma, no. Do I take some of it, yes, but I had the same inclinations prior to his posts. Time frames, no. Eventual outcomes, yes, but only if Trumpsters do their work. WWGOWGA.

  31. Whether Q is legit or a trolljob/psyop, it’s impressively intricate; there are through-lines that don’t vary. That takes an amazing amount of effort, attention to detail and above all, the resource of time. Would indicate well more than just one person, fake or not.

    But if it’s fake, the fact that he/she/they know SO well how we think should bury forever the lie that the Left “just doesn’t get us.” They damn well do and always have. Q being fake would prove that they know us more than well enough to mimic us near flawlessly to even gather a following.

    I have to agree with the nameless honkey above…if Q is for real, would seem a sure bet the uniparty swamp would have sought to permanently silence whoever it is.

  32. I believe Q to be a group of military intelligence operators loyal to the country as founded, loyal to the Constitution, and loyal to President Trump. Q’s drops have to be cryptic since they allude to ongoing military operations as well as criminal investigations. As for the proofs? I look to the pedo arrests–Q did signal the Pope’s troubles–, the enormously unusually high number of sealed indictments across the federal court systems, the long list of resignations of politicians and executives, and the photos from onboard AF1. I found it unusual that both B&H Clinton were photographed flying commercial. Regarding reading between the lines… If the vast wealth of the Clinton Crime Family Foundation has been frozen, then yes the private jetting would be frozen too, and hence we see them flying with the hoi polloi.

    I hope a lot is going on behind the scenes (and I would fully expect the enemedia to spike such events) but if the hammer doesn’t fall bigly on the malefactors BEFORE the midterms then I’ll be shut of them. Unless tribunals from GITMO air on C-SPAN.

  33. grool

    Along your train of thought. Q is not just the Q side. It’s grown into infrastructure of fact finding computer nerds. A lot of them. Even if our enemies did create Q, that infrastructure isn’t going away.

  34. BTW

    If Q is a fake (I have no idea either way)…remember the ancient principle of “Where there’s one, there’s always more.” To this day I can STILL remember over 10 years ago when Hannity let slip on the air (he was PO’d about something) that if he told the audience who in talk radio he KNEW were fakes just in it for the money, they’d never believe him. One has since assed himself (Beck). I always figured Boortz. More of them?

    Or was Hannity the one full of crap?

  35. Conservatives are probably being punked by Q who is actually a Deep State counter intelligence operation. A ploy to see how many conservatives can be misled by click bait.
    Sorry to be so harsh. For some Q is harmless entertainment, but those at Trump rallies wearing Q t-shirts is diconserning.
    Listening to Q, I’ve heard things I already know. Other info I found sketchy. I do a lot of researched on my own and Q hasn’t topped it. Don’t really appreciate being strung along, either.
    Just get a weird, cautious vibe about Q. “Lets be careful out there”.

  36. I’m with Brown eyed girl on all this. If there’s good info to be had good we’ll all make sure it gets out there. I see no good reason to be so cryptic with the messaging it’s just irritating.

  37. @Ken September 9, 2018 at 6:50 pm

    > I believe Q to be a group of military intelligence operators loyal to the country as founded, loyal to the Constitution, and loyal to President Trump.

    You believe. So it’s an expression of faith. And, as such, I can not disagree. However, that doe not mean it can not be wrong. Just like the self-proclaimed “final” prophets of the Levantine deity, you have to pick one. And call all the rest liars. Or pick them all, and have them all be liars. Even if you don’t call them such.

  38. but, but … but …. what if Jack Posobiec is “… an Online Troll/Agitpropist?”
    then what??? or what if their BOTH “… Online Troll/Agitpropist[s]?”
    …or Fur? … OMG!!! everything’s a conspiracy! we’re ALL “… Online Troll/Agitpropist[s]!!!

    The West will bend, but the East will not break it
    The King Lion will be bloodied, but not broken
    The new Black Robe will prove to be what he seems, a Squishie Bushie
    The Keebler Elf is kept by the Lion, & the Mule will continue to pester, as the Lion has planned

    Online Troll/Agitpropist ~ just call me Al … Al-Q-haul

  39. grool, if Q turns out to be fake, no the message failed. I really wish more conservatives wore the “Don’t Tread On Me” t-shirt at Trump rallies – it’s more personal, effective and genuine.

  40. “You believe. So it’s an expression of faith. And, as such, I can not disagree. However, that doe not mean it can not be wrong. Just like the self-proclaimed “final” prophets of the Levantine deity, you have to pick one. And call all the rest liars. Or pick them all, and have them all be liars. Even if you don’t call them such.”

    He “believes”, because through the data he’s seen, collected, reviewed, that’s his logical conclusion.
    Why the fuck does it bother some of you so bad, actually frighten, that some of thing Q and company present truthful valuable info? I don’t get it. And what the hell does religion have to do with it?

    Maybe the Q people are not the ones blowing this way out of proportion.

  41. TO TonyR

    “Have any of QAnon’s predictions come true?” (PARAPHRASING)
    YES. Your question shows you don’t follow him…AND THAT’S PERFECTLY OKAY!

    It’s just that it’s NOT about “predictions” per se…he’s leading people to information through questioning, requiring research and analysis, to come up with responses.
    (some have used the phrase “the Socratic method”)

    It brings people to a greater appreciation of the seditious conspiracy and treason which has occurred in the last 4,5,6…+ years, and who’s involved.

    Either you have faith TRUMP HAS THIS…
    …OR you have already surrendered to the Deep State.

  42. I remember Ulsterman from the obama years and I remember feeling very excited that SOMEONE had their finger on the pulse of the D.C. Inner Circle who was going to finally produce the gun that was producing the smoke. I wanted to dismiss Ulsterman as another very good story teller, but a part of me also wanted to believe.

    So when Q happened on the scene I was met with the same mixed feelings and, therefore, only gave Q as much notice as was necessary to understand that “he”, “they”, “it” was having quite an effect on those who swore by the messages.

    Good job, Fur, laying out the upside and downside of Q. I do think there are those who substitute Q for the heavy lifting that is required of us. To be blunt: One can have a lot more influence if they spent the time on a phone bank for their candidate(s) that they spend trying to figure out Q. Even if Q was 100% correct, there still exists the need for volunteers, and candidates and POTUS Trump are begging for people to get involved and stay involved. This coming election — like every other election — is supported by about 2% of the electorate. Isn’t that a sobering fact? Even more depressing is that even when people do volunteer, it’s hard to get them to settle down and just do the work. So often people just want to volunteer to say they’ve volunteered, but they just end up sitting around a campaign HQ eating all the snacks and holding forth on how the campaign should be run. Arggh!

    Trump is the most transparent president, running the most transparent admins, (probably) in the history of this country. If I believe anything, I believe Trump is the fastest learner and is or soon will be completely up-to-speed on the Deep State and has already or will soon have a complete plan formulated for dealing with it. I mean, c’mon! this is only year two!

    My 2 cents worth. 🙂

  43. Serious question: How are Q’s cryptic, vague messages any different than the anonymous op-ed from the New York Times?

    We’re being asked to take someone at face value without knowing who they are, where they’re getting their information, or anything else about them.

  44. 65 posts. Not one single line that tells me a “truth” that Q has revealed.

    It is amazing to me how stupid people here are.

    Oh I forgot. JPM pointed out that Q said “indictments are coming”

    Thanks JPM. At least Q might have gotten one thing right (if it actually ever happens)

  45. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Have you ever been on QAnon.app? If so, did you bother to follow the link over to 8chan and follow any of the discussion board? Let me put it a different way. With out 8Chan Q would probably not exist.

    The Opp Eds from the New York times don’t have 8Chan behind the either or they would be more accurate.

  46. CoD — Yeah, Geoff C. and AA are two different people. We post under our own names. Sometimes — because Geoff C. can’t type as fast — he’ll dictate something to me, but it’s always his words under his own name.

    I have my own view of Q, but that doesn’t mean I reject your and anyone else’s views of the Q movement. I just hope that the Q movement doesn’t replace anyone’s real time and energy investment in actual campaigning. We need it so badly this year.

  47. So is this a Trump verses Cruz type war again?
    See how that works,pick a side and battle it out and who wins in the end? We are all free thinkers and will make up our own minds;the main thing is to stay focused on the next election and support our guys and do every thing we can to help them get in office.

  48. Geoff, I believe it’s bigger than Trump/Cruz, much bigger. I see it as Trump and us Deplorables against the swamp. I’m thinking the swamp is so damn big it will be a difficult win. We can not lose the House or Senate! I’m thinking I’ve been sucked down the rabbit hole.

  49. @joe — Be of good cheer! It is said that difficult takes time and impossible just takes a little more time. If there is anyone who is equal to the swamp-draining task it is our man, Trump. Listen to his last few speeches again for some inspiration. He just produced four pages of bullet-pointed accomplishments from since the election (not even since the inauguration). None of those accomplishments were mean feats. He’s got our back. He’s got this. Not to worry.

  50. AA, I could not be more upbeat, I’m an optimistic guy. Knowledge builds confidence and I believe the swamp is our biggest threat. If Trump and his team can clear the swamp everybody (except the swampers) will be better off. That is what I think Q is about. And it is not just Q, insiders are starting to see there might be an opportunity to make things right. We have an opportunity in front of us, I believe it. That is all from the rabbit hole.

  51. BTW, if any of you guys want some serious inside information, you need to check out my bathroom cabinet. When I looked in there this morning, I discovered a whole container full of Q tips.


  52. MicroDick is NOT Pro Trump. And currently Un hinged.

    Bro Trump is Q and I’ve got Trump worried about debunking me somehow instead of governing the USA. It makes total sense. Let’s drag Trump (Q) for a few more months.

    Qlarp is a scam @Timisfamous
    3 minutes ago
    Obviously @Microchip touched Qlarp’s pussy since he’s named in Q posts that are supposedly made by a government insider next to Trump. Sounds like Qlarp is worried about donation and T-shirt sales dropping.
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    Brad Cason
    Brad Cason @Bad_Brad
    “Bro Trump is Q and I’ve got Trump ”

    Wait, I thought you were Q. WTF? You need to get off the crack pipe.

  53. OK, I’ll let you see how nuts a supposedly normal looking guy can be. Even though this lady is named SuzieQ I don’t think she is affiliated with our Q. jpm, Q is different from QAnon. Q being the singular entity, and the QAnon’s being those that are attempting to interpret what Q is saying. With that being said, Q is not alone as being someone on the inside with a story to tell. Here is a link to multiple tweets that will show how those of us tin foil hat guys see what is possible. Feel free to ridicule, I hope to be shown something better.


    I love this shit!


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