Has Sundown Joe Forgotten He’s Suppose To Give A “The State Of The Union” Address? – IOTW Report

Has Sundown Joe Forgotten He’s Suppose To Give A “The State Of The Union” Address?

Red State

Have you been wondering what happened to Joe Biden’s State of the Union address?

Generally, the State of the Union address is delivered in late January to early February.

But in the first year that someone is in office, they officially call it an “address to the joint session of Congress” not a State of the Union, although most people still refer to it as a “state of the union.” It’s often been a little later, likely giving the person the chance to actually evaluate things a little bit first. Barack Obama’s speech was on February 24. Donald Trump’s was on February 28.

So, again, we go back to that question: where’s Biden’s speech? More

I guess tyrants don’t have to worry about such trivia. – Dr. Tar

36 Comments on Has Sundown Joe Forgotten He’s Suppose To Give A “The State Of The Union” Address?

  1. The State of the Union isn’t being given because the Union is almost dismantled completely. We don’t have a union. We have a dictatorship and dictators, plural, because others besides Joe Biden are in charge.

  2. “I grew up in Scranton, in the state, you know the one.”
    And we used to pick onions, an it was Hotter then of course.
    So we would get to see the roaches who were kids like us.
    And there I grabed an ole chain cause they had the straight blades.
    So we were at the pool and I went to my car, in the parking lot and of course jwanna sim petal crakerbarrel.
    But we all got along real well cause we er they was Americans too and it all different now.
    And it doesn’t have to be that way. Cause were back. Merica’s back tmpfth for the world, of course, and unity.

    God blast America.

  3. State of the Union Address? In the middle of a plan— uh, pandemic? No way — too dangerous. Can’t risk spreading COVID-19 during a joint session of Congress. /sarc

    Now watch the media “educate” us simpletons by reminding us that the SOTU was submitted in written form only for much of our nation’s history, until Woodrow Wilson began the practice of delivering it as a speech.

  4. Biden’s mental deterioration has advanced to the point where he can no longer read and recite what is being fed to him on a teleprompter. There is no way that man can carry out the duties of President.

    Good going Democrat’s you’ve really done a number on this country this time.

  5. Kcir….”jwanna sim petal crakerbarrel.”

    would be the ultimate caption below a pic of Joe. Kudos. Your efforts have been noticed and applauded.

    Expect your application form for the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD of BASTARDS UNION 1408 to arrive in the mail.

  6. I for one, would love to see him try and carry out a full-on speech. Live and in front of the joint session of congress, it would be the most spectacular fail in American politics. It would far outstrip the Dean scream. There would be no choice but to start 25th amendment proceedings the next day.

  7. Did anyone see that newswoman who is leaving the WH Press crew ask Pzaki why there were no Marine guards outside the
    door when Biden was supposed to be at a WH briefing?
    She pushed it saying “I have been here four years and when
    the President is there a Marine guard is too”. Pzaki claimed all was normal and Biden was in.

  8. You knew they were going to play this for everything it’s worth…

    WASHINGTON — The U.S. Capitol Police plans to maintain its enhanced level of security around the Capitol through at least President Joe Biden’s first official address to Congress because intelligence suggests extremists could be planning an attack, acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said Thursday.

  9. Xiden would end up wandering off the stage, mumbling to himself, making a beeline to “Dr.” Jill for a bowl of his favorite ice cream, jammies and slippers.

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