Hat Chat with Lowell – Topic? HERNIAS! – IOTW Report

Hat Chat with Lowell – Topic? HERNIAS!

Hold onto your stomachs, or lower. We’re talking about Lowell’s impending hernia operation.


27 Comments on Hat Chat with Lowell – Topic? HERNIAS!

  1. What kind?

    Inguinal hernia is the most common. This occurs when part of your bowel squeezes through your lower abdomen into the groin.

    Hiatus hernia is when part of your stomach pushes up into the chest through an opening in the diaphragm.

    Femoral hernia happens when fatty tissue or a part of the bowel pushes through into the groin at the top of the inner thigh.

    Incisional hernia is when tissue pushes through a surgical wound in the abdomen that has not completely healed.

    Umbilical hernia is when fatty tissue or a part of the bowel pushes through the abdomen close to your belly button (navel).

    Epigastric hernia is when fatty tissue pushes through your abdomen, between the belly button and breastbone (sternum).

    Spigelian hernia is when part of your bowel pushes through your abdomen by the stomach muscle below the belly button.

    Muscle hernia is when part of your muscle pushes through the abdomen sometimes after a sports injury.

    I have the two highlighted hernias. No surgery yet.

  2. I had my second hernia surgery, along with the other surgery I had, on Dec. 20th. First repair surgery in 2007 failed. Both times for a painful little piece of fat that poked through a tear in my abdominal wall above the belly button. First time they pushed it back in & sewed up, this time they removed it and sewed up.
    Hope your surgery goes well, Lowell, and that your recovery is easy.

  3. Mr. Pinko, I had the umbilical hernia surgery two years ago. It wasn’t bothering me, and I had known immediately that it was a hernia, but the weird, fatty thing poking out got annoying. I went to a hernia surgeon, and he was surprised that I hadn’t gone to my doctor first. I told him I don’t need a doctor to tell me I have a hernia, I need a surgeon to fix it. Which he did, without any further questions.

  4. This surgery is a bit over $3000 @ The Surgery Center in Oklahoma. Add in some plane fare, overnight in a hotel, and paying someone to accompany you (They will not do the surgery if you show up alone), you might be looking @ $4500….If you don’t have insurance, or affordable doctors, this is an option. My surgeon charged me $2000 and change (inguinal). The hospital charged me $70,000.00. Guess which one got paid in full and which one was forced to negotiate………

  5. Y’know, BFH, being a Floridian does not mean that you MUST discuss medical conditions and surgery. I know it seems that way, but sometimes we can actually talk about important stuff, like weather and grandkids and what restaurant has the best early bird specials.

    Jusk kidding! I’ll go listen now. Best wishes, Lowell, for a satisfactory outcome.

  6. Here is my suggestion for your hernia surgery. ( Mine was a triple hitter, Spigelian and double Inguinal. Trust me the hernia was better than dying. Long story ) Anywho, i strongly advise you to find two personal pillows. One, which is larger for around he house. One smaller for travel. It sounds silly, but every time you laugh, fart, cough, etc. you strain you surgery a bit. When you are riding in the car, take that little pillow with you. It will help tremendously my friend. But the best advise i can give you it to eat foods that don’t come out the other end without much trouble for at least two weeks after your surgery. Good luck with your surgery.

  7. Left Coast Dan
    If you start researching it, and talking to doctors, you will scare yourself into getting it fixed. A little prolonged pinch can cause major problems. I guess it all depends on location and severity. But small one are scarier than big ones.

  8. Should have added above, Claudia knows what I look like. Sent her a picture of me and two of my fur babies from several years ago. Having me in it, I knew it didn’t fit the wonderful compilations she does for us here, but I wanted her to see Bleu and Charlotte. Charlotte passed in her sleep some time ago and today Bleu is retired and lives indoors full time.

  9. Had the belly button one.
    Twas fun as hell.
    Nobody told me that the belly button was connected to every atom in the body.
    I couldn’t move for days.
    Good thing to have in the rear view mirror

  10. Praying for you Lowell! I’ve had ventral (surgical) hernias repaired several times. The first hernia happened after cancer surgery. The last problem caused a partial bowel blockage.

    Here’s the good news. The hospital gives Dilaudid for abdominal pain and it’s great stuff! Heal quickly. Prayers for your surgical team also.

  11. What a freak out there..
    I couldn’t figure out why you called him Elliot.

    A name of a character in a movie I always remembered was Dr. Elliot Lowell.

    Anyone know the movie?
    Bit part, that’s why it’s weird I remember it.

  12. Amazing how the IOTW community is so together in worldview, yet we all come from different backgrounds, circumstances, and struggles. I always enjoy the Hat Chats. Lowell, we wish you well next week. You are added to my prayers.

  13. Your voice, accent, and delivery is a tenor Fred Thompson. I would have listened to him read the phone book.

    Best wishes for the surgery. Congratulations on the granddaughter. May you be blessed with many more of either variety 🙂

  14. Good interview. Good luck, Lowell.
    I woke up with a swollen half face. Didn’t think anything of it really other than I might have had too much to drink.
    Ends up an abscess exploded in my upper jaw. I was within a couple hours of serious health risk due to blood poisoning apparently.
    Fast forward today, Feb 20th I will go in for an implant on tooth number 8, the front right upper tooth. Had a panic attack when they yanked it (it exploded) so I’m going under this time.
    Maybe in September it will all be back to normal. Or I’ll be wishing for a decent front tooth for Christmas. FFFFFFSSS!!!
    6 other root canals in the mouth ready to do the same in due time, it’s going to be a journey.

  15. Make sure the netting they use is sterile!!
    With my last hernia repair surgery, the netting contained a horrible bacteria called “Klebsellia”. Had to wear a wound vac., etc. Took a year to recover! (But I’m old, so….). Then, after surgery, DO NOT lift anything heavier than 10 lbs. until the Dr. says you’re all well. Good luck!!

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