26 Comments on HAT CHAT with MEERKAT

  1. Nice to hear Meerkat’s voice!

    You guys cracked me up on the sleep issues. I went through a period of time about eights years ago when my mind woke me up every 45 minutes to two hours. Instead of getting back on the computer (letting the light wake up my brain), I kept a pen and notepad beside the bed. I wrote down what was on my mind and went back to sleep within 30 minutes. The next day, I looked at what woke me up and realized it was nothing I had control over. Took a couple of years, but now sleep like a baby.

    Other than that, Robitussin or (according to Hannity) “My Pillow”.


  2. I love Hat Chats! Thank you for volunteering MeerCat-who is a guy and not a gal. 🤔

    Blue light throws off your sleep-so close the laptop and Donny peek again. Make sure your room is dark and doesn’t have distracting light coming in. Don’t take Tylenol PM! That stuff makes the world go weird-you’ll feel dehydrated and your eyes will be itchy the next day. Worst case-take one Benadryl.

    BFH-where is your safe space from Irma?!?

  3. It was such a pleasure talking to BFH. Someone who I knew online and through various emails over ther years and never had the pleasure to speak with. We went for about 40 minutes on the actual call, and he had the hard part of cutting it down. That can be tough when you have a Westchester, NY guy speaking to a NJ guy. There are a lot of interruptions!

    But listening to this I was not happy with my nervousness. Not that BFH made me nervouse, but I knew that all the regulars on IOTWReport would hear it. And I truly love you all! And I often pray for you when you post a problem. There is no other site that I frequent so much and it is because of all your unique personalities and ultimate friendship. We disagree at times like any healthy family does, but I think in the end we all come home to each other and have a healthy respect for each other. I ENCOURAGE SOME “REGULARS” TO DO FUTURE HAT CHATS–It’s a little embarrassing (my head was in a tailspin!) but I think good for this community. And BFH and crew has definitely built a great community here. That’s why I invited my sister into it.
    Now, to answer some comments:
    “Meerkat is a guy!”: Yes, I used to post under a different name then when Sarah Palin was blamed for the bullseye’s on Gabby Gifford, it was around the same time my children liked watching a show called Meerkat Manor on NatGeo. Whenever I checked into Morning Joe in the morning to check out the alternative view Mika looked exactly like a Meerkat to me. So was born Meerkat Brzezinski. I thought I would use it for a couple of weeks, but it stuck.
    @Plain Jane: Yes, I understand! And Trump was my second choice.
    @Jclady: I’m already on a better track. Having to wake up in the morning to make sure that everything is good for my three high school kids has already paid dividends. And no naps!
    @Jethro: I once had to work a week in Tokyo and missed a full day because I could not sleep. Through me totally off, and I was only in my thirties! Oh, and they don’t have Pepto Bismol over there. Unbeknown to them there are actually people who are allergic to shellfish <—!

  4. Meerkat,

    LOL Buddy, check out your name on that post, it’s Anonymous. I’m serious about my advise with your sleep disorder. Join a gym and lift weights 2 hours before you turn in. Not Cardio, weights. Alcohol does not work. You sleep until you are no longer intoxicated and then you wake up.

  5. Oh, my browser keeps erasing my name. But thank you for your regiment cycle. I have the tools in home and I think I will try it. Weights! Not alcohol! Haha! Alcohol will break down your system!

  6. My sleeping is phucked from 23 years of around the clock sleep pattern shifts.I’ve also GOT to have an air motivator in the room and a background sound like a fan.

    Why the hell is it called pickle ball? You doin weird shit with a pickle are you?

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