Hat Chat with /NotMyRealName – IOTW Report

Hat Chat with /NotMyRealName

I had a quick chat with a reader and discussed… Wonder Woman.

It’s an interesting chat in that you get to hear the voice of a regular commenter (she has a very young voice) and she has come up with a great idea for future Hat Chats.

45 Comments on Hat Chat with /NotMyRealName

  1. That was fun!

    And, Fur, you seemed a little dense on getting the Wonder Woman/Americana thing.

    NotMyRealName (NMRN) — you don’t sound like a homosexual man!! lol!

  2. Fur 44 max
    Confluencing Bionic Man and Greatest American Hero chronospheres
    An 8 year old during that chronospace would have that conception
    Hence 44 max

  3. That was great! Filling in the void in my head of the sound of another that joins us here. Now it’s not my voice reading her posts.

    Thank you for this Fur.

    Does anybody else do this? I kind of doubt it.

  4. Fur, I’m sorry but I couldn’t listen to this for more than a minute. You sound so much like Donald Fagen (who we know), it freaked me out. I kept thinking: Is Fur and Donald the same person? That can’t be. He would have said something. Or would he . . . Anyway, I’m sorry. I’m certain the whole interview is sublime. Or not.

  5. I enjoyed the conversation you & NMRN shared with IOTWR. All I know about wonder woman is the actress Gal Gadot is pretty and lives in Israel….both I can appreciate.

    NMRN also piqued my interest to search for your conversation with Uncle Al. That too was worth the search.

    It’s good to hear the voices behind the written words. For me to hear the tone and inflection adds to their written thoughts and personality. Sure, pictures are worth a thousand words, but an individual’s voice adds another dimension altogether.

    Enjoyed the conversation as an eavesdropper.

  6. Apparently I’m either a gay Jew from Brooklyn closing in on 75 or 80, or a half-Jew from Jersey around 70.

    I neither wrote the songs that made the whole world sing, nor am I reeling in the years.
    But this ain’t about me. This is about the readers!

  7. Oh heck, I’m starting the interview now.

    Fur, animal, vetable or mineral?

    Are you bigger than a breadbox?

    What would you want to invent if you caoul invent anything?

    Have you ever worn Speedos?

    What is your fav drama?

    Your fav commedy movie?

    Etceterra, etceterra, etc.

  8. I love these! 😊👍👍

    (I read an article that said the filmmakers made WonderWoman generically American so that the movie sells better overseas-aka to potentially offended audiences.)

    BFH is young at heart no matter his age! 😊

  9. Oh heck, I’m starting the interview now.

    Fur, animal, vetable or mineral?


    Are you bigger than a breadbox?

    Not if you’re referring to a certain somethin’

    What would you want to invent if you caoul invent anything?

    Something that would make me bigger than a breadbox.

    Have you ever worn Speedos?

    I’ve never been an overweight, hairy Croatian.

    What is your fav drama?

    Plan 9 From Outer space

    Your fav commedy movie?

    Schindler’s List

    Etceterra, etceterra, etc.

  10. Just got home. Wooooohoooo! Fun interview! Hey, you edited out where I called you sassy you sassy pants!😂 Sooooo much fun talking with you Fur. I wish I could talk with everyone on here one on one😃👏🏻👏🏻

  11. I remember something like Black Rose Lady or some shit or another we talked on some online broadcast. And she completely flaked out a week or so later. This sounds more like it’s gonna actually be broadcast online. Maybe I’ll take you up on the offer next time in the future.

  12. OT ICYM Greg Gutfeld Show, Fox
    2 chances to dvr or watch at 1AM & 4AM EST
    Episode was particularly MAGA
    Tubelink hereabouts if-when avail

    …the moonbeams for you /notmyrealname

  13. NMRN
    My wife also sounds like she’s 12. We own a business and some of the phone calls she answers are classic. Great point on the globalization of an American Icon. You’re officially allowed in my fox hole.

  14. Utopia, Inc.: If you would like to listen to the rest of this recorded message in a voice of a different gender, press eight. You will have 76 genders to choose from, including none. If you choose none, the voice you hear will be randomly chosen by a randomly-chosen computer built at our fully unionized, government owned COEXIST factory in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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