Hating Hillary – IOTW Report

Hating Hillary

The Hate For Hillary Is Sweeping the Nation. 

It was only a matter of time before this contemptible bitch, and her equally corrupt and slimy husband, started feeling the wrath they deserve.

Watch this woman, a delegate, lay into a reporter when asked if she was going to support Hillary.

She not only emphatically said, no, he will not support Hillary, she is equally fed up with the entire democrat party.

23 Comments on Hating Hillary

  1. Bill Slimeball SlickWilly said long ago…Hillary, people just DO NOT LIKE YOU…trouble is now we don’t like him either, as more of their lies, corruption, contempt for law, and overblown pride bring them down….your pride is too much, your haughtiness is overwhelming, and your Fall is coming Clinton Cartel!!!! Fook you both!!! and take that horseface Chelsea with you.

  2. There is still no end to the liberal puke water carriers in the media. Earlier today on FOX News Outnumbered I thought Kennedy was gonna bitch slap Commie Juanie Williams.

  3. Welcome to reality, dipshits! The less stupid ones have already switched to Trump. But Hildebeast may still have her coronation in the bag. Obuttwipe is making pseudo citizens out of millions of foreigners and their dead relatives. There could be Ten Million fake Demorats voting this election.

  4. They’re always mad at the banks, wallstreet and the corporate people but they never look at the social problems they themselves promote. If they fought corruption [welfare fraud, illegals, vote cheating] of any kind in their own streets, you wouldn’t see it in politics.

  5. Doc. You’re a patient man to watch that crap. My blood pressure goes
    bonkers. Same old shit over and over. No matter what the subject is, they can’t agree on anything. They get paid just to argue and no one learns fucking thing from them. I though I found something with LevinTV, but Levin too, has become an anti Trump bore. I prefer watching “Deadliest Catch” or “Naked and Afraid.” Or no TV
    at all.

  6. If by any chance the wicked bitch of the East becomes President I will have even less respect for her than I already do for barry. God forbid, this evil woman ever becomes President. My gut still tells me she’s toast unless she and the democraps outright steal the election and if they do I expect a Civil War and many, many states telling her to go to Hell and seceding from the Union immediately. God help us!

  7. If the Bitch of Benghazi wins the election it means the rule of law is officially over.
    I shall embrace my own lawlessness like that fisherman in the Far Side comic when they see the mushroom clouds:
    “No size restrictions and screw the limit!”

  8. Feels good to hear people on the Dem side slam her.

    Until you realize they are even further to the left than Hellary and hate her because she doesn’t plan on destroying America fast enough. Fuck them. May they go looking for all those guns lost in boating accidents and never come up again.

    The real gem here, as I see it, is that both parties have brazenly tried to thwart the actual democratic process out in the open for all to see, feel and get angry about.

    More people see the corruption than ever before. It’s a start.

    At least the Dem party seems damaged enough to lose this one.

    If only H would end up in prison. Then I might have hope things will work out for America.

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