Hating The Left – IOTW Report

Hating The Left

Derek Hunter for Townhall

I really can’t stand it anymore. I used to be able to ignore it, even laugh at how stupid it was, but I just can’t anymore. What leftist Democrats are doing to this country on the issues of race and gender are so disgusting that, honestly, I hate them. I don’t hate them in a “there’s an annoying rock in my shoe” kind of way, I despise them. I hate them in an “I wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire” kind of way. This is, of course, what they want – they need those of us sane enough to see clearly what they’re doing to hate them, to advise them about taking a long walk off a short pier, so they can cry how “mean” and “intolerant” we are, but I don’t care anymore. And I want to tell you why. More

15 Comments on Hating The Left

  1. The left are raised to belying petulant children that never grow up. It’s also acceptable to hate them for all the sins of THEIR fathers, those being; Slavery, Segregation, Lynching, Race Hate, Jim Crow Laws and the KKK just to name a few.

  2. I told someone that I despise the filthy disgusting subhuman pieces of shit, but don’t hate them. They ask if there is a difference. To which I said that while I am indifferent to their suffering, I don’t actively wish them deeper into the mess they have created in their own lives. I suppose that if you consider that they only way they will ever stop doing everything they can to make others miserable is for them to croak that by extension you could say I wish them dead – it would be a true statement.

  3. Dan_7:25  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

    Rev_13:7  And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

  4. I love this place. I post the most vile and controversial, ops dissing, self incriminating video made since the dawn of time SET IN FLORIDA……and bupkis.

    In case you missed it, that was 5 murders and several attempted murders as celebrated by the very people accused of perpetrating those same crimes.

    Also, danceable.

    Why can’t our side do this? We’ve got however many are left over after 80 million people voted for biden. Seems like enough to start some ish’.

  5. I simply won’t help them, and all the ones I knew before the world went totally nuts, need it now because they didn’t have any contingency plan other than whining.

  6. The hate runs deep within me. Just like the Air Force pilot says to the kid in Red Dawn “All that hates gonna burn you up.” “Naw. It keeps me warm.” As long as people of a certain race want me dead or disappeared or confess my sins of racism I give zero fucks about them and wish them a speedy demise. We truly would be better off without them.

  7. I truly try to not hate anyone, but if I met one of these leftist teachers on the street doing this shit to our children I would not be able to stop myself from knocking the shit out of her/him. I no longer want to breathe the same air as leftist loons or covid loons.

    Government and I don’t give two shits if it’s Republicans, Democrats, city, county, state or federal I can’t stand and would not shed a tear if they fell dead tomorrow.

    Until people finally get enough and start making it hard on all the leftists and fake Republicans nothing will change and we will continue falling farther into hell.
    Until all government is torn down and rebuilt smaller, their money taken away and they actually answer to the people we will fall farther into hell.

    People don’t like it and people tell me I can’t bitch or I’m part of the problem when I say I’m done playing the game of voting actually thinking that will change anything, hell I don’t even believe we elect anyone anyway, I think they do the selecting. Fifty-something years I’ve played the game and have only watched the country turn into something I don’t even recognize anymore.

  8. “I truly try to not hate anyone, but if I met one of these leftist teachers on the street doing this shit to our children I would not be able to stop myself from knocking the shit out of her/him. I no longer want to breathe the same air as leftist loons or covid loons.”

    I like the way you think. 🙂

  9. The dumbest among us is probably entertainers. Cher, for example, nowadays nothing but an attention whore with nothing left to give exceptg her stupid opinions.

    1965 is long gone, Cher.


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