Have A Frightful Halloween – IOTW Report

Have A Frightful Halloween

No, I don’t mean invite Hillary to your party!!!!


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11 Comments on Have A Frightful Halloween

  1. The scariest Halloween costume in existence is that of a grinning, malevolent looking University Administrator, in a three-piece suit, instructing gullible, mindless college students to bring him, even more, student loan money!

  2. #2 and here we see photos of that rare creature the Guineguana.
    #3 Now available at Taco Bell…..
    #4 ..and things got even worse for the hillary campaign when photos emerged of the team that performed her brain surgery.
    #7 “Ok are we all here? Pestilence – check, War – check, Famine – check,
    Death….death….. oh come on death get over here we don’t have all day.”
    #8 And yet again the gop establishment tries to convince voters that they are just as tough and willing to fight as Donald Trump.
    #9 A rare photo shows “michelle” obama without her makeup celebrating Halloween”
    #10 “Oh I dunno. I don’t think this costume is me…let’s try something else”
    #11 “Well you’ve heard of Welsh Rabbit? I’m a Scottish Rabbit..get it. get it?”
    #12 “I vant to velcome you to my home. Please feel free to make yourselv comvortable. I von’t be dining vith you, I haf a previous…em.. engagment.. but my servants vill ze zat you ar’ comvortable. I shall return tomorrow efening”
    #13 And this image shows how the democrats and neverTrumpers see Donald Trump.
    #14 “I am ze batcat you vill look into my eyez and do az I say. Now my slafe you vill get me ze kitty snacks an’ ze catnip. An’ you vill allow me to go anyzing I wish even knocking your favorr-ite houzeplant on ze floor an’ you vill not be mad, ‘cauze I am ze batcat. An’ you vill obey me.”

    Excellent once again Claudia

    Happy Halloween everybody.

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