Have we reached peak stupidity yet? – IOTW Report

Have we reached peak stupidity yet?

 h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

21 Comments on Have we reached peak stupidity yet?

  1. There is no such thing as “peak stupidity”. Einstein himself said it best: “The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”
    Also, NEVER say “How stupid can you be?!” to someone nowadays, as too many people seem to consider it a challenge.

  2. Believe it or not, we can always be more stupider than we were the day before. That’s on a collective basis of course, individually many of us continue to rise against the masses.

  3. Have we reached peak stupidity yet?…

    NOT EVEN CLOSE. You’ll know when it peaks, because you’ll be 100% aware your freedom is completely gone. Just like the Austrians when one day they woke up and Nazi Germany was in charge of their government. (It came gradually, drip by drip. Just like it is now.)

  4. I’d like to see Eric Swalwell sealed into one of those.

    Do those pretentious maggots understand that if they can breathe, their bubbles are incapable of stopping a virus?

    No. We haven’t yet reached Peak Stupidity.

    izlamo delenda est …


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