Have you been monitoring Georgia? – IOTW Report

Have you been monitoring Georgia?

Trump’s lead has virtually vanished.

With 5 million votes in, representing 99% of the vote count (leaving about 50,000 votes to be counted) Trump’s lead is down to 1800 votes.

20 Comments on Have you been monitoring Georgia?

  1. @ joe6pak NOVEMBER 5, 2020 AT 11:26 PM

    They have gotten away with it so many times now that it is all they know.

    2004 Washington gubernatorial election stolen in broad daylight while establishment Republicans enabled it. Trump isn’t going to play the fool.

    Discovered ballots[edit]
    King County Council Chairman Larry Phillips was at a Democratic Party office in Seattle on Sunday December 12, reviewing a list of voters whose absentee votes had been rejected due to signature problems, when to his surprise he found his own name listed. Phillips said he was certain he had filled out and signed his ballot correctly, and asked the county election officials to investigate the discrepancy. They discovered that Phillips’ signature had somehow failed to be scanned into the election computer system after he submitted his request for an absentee ballot. Election workers claimed that they had received Phillips’ absentee ballot in the mail, but they could not find his signature in the computer system to compare to the one on the ballot envelope, so they mistakenly rejected the ballot instead of following the standard procedure of checking it against the signature of Phillips’ physical voter registration card that was on file. The discovery prompted King County Director of Elections Dean Logan to order his staff to search the computers to see if any other ballots had been incorrectly rejected.
    Logan announced on December 13 that 561 absentee ballots in the county had been wrongly rejected due to an administrative error.[14] The next day, workers retrieving voting machines from precinct storage found an additional 12 ballots, bringing the total to 572 newly discovered ballots. Logan admitted the lost ballots were an oversight on the part of his department, and insisted that the found ballots be counted. On December 15, the King County Canvassing Board voted 2-1 in favor of counting the discovered ballots.
    Upon examination of the discovered ballots, it was further discovered that, with the exception of two ballots, none of the ballots had been cast by voters whose surnames began with the letters A, B, or C.[15] There was a further search for more ballots, and on December 17, county workers discovered a tray in a warehouse with an additional 162 previously uncounted ballots.[15] All together, 723 uncounted or improperly rejected ballots were discovered in King County during the manual hand recount.
    Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party Chris Vance stated that he was “absolutely convinced that King County is trying to steal this election.” The National Rifle Association, which had endorsed Rossi, sent a mass e-mail on December 14 to its members asking for volunteers to go to King County in order to sit in on the county elections office and observe the recount.
    The Washington State Republican Party filed a restraining order in Pierce County District Court, requesting an injunction against King County to block the tabulation of the uncounted ballots.[16] The request was granted on December 17, but Democrats appealed to the Supreme Court. On December 22, the court ruled against the Republican Party and overturned the restraining order, allowing King County to count all ballots.[16] The next day, Sam Reed issued a statement explaining the process for certification of the uncounted ballots and the standards for fair voting practices in the state.[17]
    Protesters gathered in front of both Democratic state headquarters and Republican state headquarters in the days after the injunction against King County’s discovered ballots. On December 21, Republican protestors rallied in front of the Washington State Supreme Court Building dressed in orange and holding signs saying “Welcome to Ukraine”, comparing the inclusion of the discovered ballots to the election fraud in the recent Ukrainian presidential election.[18]
    After all other counties submitted their recount votes, it was revealed on December 20 that at least five other counties besides King County had included ballots that had been discovered after the initial count. For example, Snohomish County included 224 missed ballots that had been discovered underneath mail trays. The outcome of the State Supreme Court hearing regarding King County’s votes could have potentially affected those counties’ counts as well.

  2. As a native Georgian, I’m ashamed of my state and my state govt. The corruption is going on mainly in Savannah (a long standing democrat hell hole) and the counties that make up the Atlanta metro area. Some of the same counties that gave us the dueling brain trusts of Cynthia McKinney and Hank Johnson (of Guam will tip over fame). And don’t forget that Stacey “Tank” Abrams is considered a religious figure by democrats in GA. Tank found a way to almost cheat her way into the governor’s mansion, so the dems here have been practicing for this for quite some time.

    If the governor wasn’t such a pansy ass RINO he would be at least speaking out strongly about it if not seeing that this fraud stops immediately. Atlanta is being reported as having a bag of Biden votes delivered from a Chinese company that doesn’t even operate in America.


    The rural areas of GA have discussed kicking Atlanta out of the state for several years (or seceding from GA and forming a new state without Atlanta) – this might be the impetus to get that done.

  3. There’s one race we are all winning together. The race to the bottom.

    Thanks for the strong desire to sell our country out so Joe can have a handful of Chinese peanuts, assholes. Thanks for lying to America for 4 years straight, media. You are all never forgiven. Enjoy your goddamn communism.

  4. The question I have had, and still not seen answered, is do these suspicious late ballots just get thrown in with the legitimate ballots, or are they kept separate? If I was going to cheat, I would certainly cover my tracks.

  5. @ Tony R – On Fox news a few minutes ago, someone said that Justice Alito demanded that PA keep the ballots received after election day separate so they can be dealt with properly if the existing case (that Roberts sided with the dems on) is revisited by the court in the near future. The same person said that other states have mixed them all together so they can claim there is no way to determine which ballots were received when, and likely they destroyed the outer envelopes of mail in ballots as well so they can’t be tracked properly.

    It seems pretty obvious now that the China virus and mail in ballots was the plan the demon dems had all along to cheat their way back in power. I don’t think they thought Trump’s support would be as strong as it was, so now they are left scrambling to fabricate enough votes in the few close states where Trump won on election day to steal the election again.

    No way in hell Biden got 71 million real votes.

  6. On election night GA reported 100% of precincts had returned results. All of a sudden on Thu more votes appear. Where is the Republican Governor?
    Victor Davis Hansen told Mark Levin this has him shaken.
    He said if they get away with this the country is pretty much done. Elections won’t matter.

    I am still counting on God.

  7. The President must Order an new election. Redo the entire thing no matter what it costs. The democrats printed a few Trillion dollars this year and blew it on themselves (and the chillrun, fo course), so they can bitch about $$ but who cares what they say? Unlike the lie the Media repeats, there IS evidence of ELECTION FRAUD.

    Hello FBI ?
    If they don’t act on this, there is no justification for their existence.

  8. keeping the outer envelopes is key
    also in Mich. there are “Poll Books” in which ANYTHING unusual is to be noted
    It is hard to believe that big mass of people in the room up to Detroit (the one with pizza boxes in the windows) that they were keeping meticulous records in the Poll Books. It was difficult to keep it up in the small precinct I worked in so I think all Poll books need a thorough audit.

    This investigation needs to go on. I’m making a donation.

  9. It seems like there should be a list of AV APPLICANTS to match with the envelopes.

    I believe the signature on the envelope back gets compared with the signature on the AV application. I don’t know what the official procedures are but I was a new worker on an AV counting board in a small city in Mich.

    The number of ballots put through the tabulator machine, in my case it was a new Dominion brand machine, that number should match the number of AV applications less the people who sent applications then didn’t carry through by returning ballots. I do not know if the ballots can be linked to a ballot number, but we removed numbered strips before tabulating so the poll workers could not associate any ballot with any person to insure privacy. There was clear separation of duties during the envelope opening process. At the end of that process there was a stack of ballots to be fed through the machine. I do not know if the ballot numbers were secretly imbedded into the ballots in any way, but the upper edges had some sort of printed bars across the top. Not like bar codes on grocery products. IDK if they were all the same or not, but they appeared to be and I didn’t even think to examine them.

    Just thinking someone ought to check the dumpsters before garbage pickup!!!

  10. PJ,
    Just watched the link, good hard evidence! Not surprised that the FBI is not interested as I have suspected they are deep t into treasonous acts against our POTUS. If anyone hasn’t seen it please do.

  11. For what it’s worth I would strongly recommend investing the time to watch what PJ has linked to.
    This provides some fascinating incites on how our elections are being manipulated electronically. The man even provides screen captures of news reporting where you can see the number count change instantly {impossible}.
    Again, I’d urge everyone to watch.


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