Have You Been On Top of Dick’s Knob? – IOTW Report

Have You Been On Top of Dick’s Knob?

Dick’s Knob.

35 Comments on Have You Been On Top of Dick’s Knob?

  1. No, but I’ve driven by Squirrel Level Rd. in VA. I always wondered if that was another term for a skip squirrel.

    And if we’re talking about odd place names, did you know that North Carolina has THREE different communities named Frog Level?

  2. In WWII, the Germans had intercepted messages about a meeting on the Big Three. The messages said that they would be meeting at Casablanca. Th Germans figured the Allie’s were just adding another layer of security by saying Whatever House in Spanish and assumed the meeting would be at 1600 Pennsylvania. No, they meant the city in Africa.

    Funny how names sound classier in a foreign language.

  3. Hard to believe but Big Bone Lick State Park in Ky is on Beaver Road. Not only can you visit Hell in Michigan but you can also have Christmas every day of the year there. Here in Pa we do have Blue Bell, not Blue Balls. We do have Intercourse here and a Beaver as well. I nearly forgot Nitro in West Va.

  4. Whiskey Dick

    My inclination is that it’s not all that amusing with the ladies who don’t find it less than frustrating to arrive there with amorous intentions.

  5. I overheard a guy today making an appointment, and the receptionist asked for his last name:


    I could hardly stifle my inner Beavis.

  6. Don Draper at 11:53 pm

    I’m in Michigan, and have been to both Paradise and Hell. Naturally, Paradise is in the Upper and Hell in the Lower Peninsula.

    The Town of Paradise burned down here a few years back. The town is still devastated and it will take decades to rebuild. Almost moved there 20 years ago.

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